Sunday, September 18, 2011

5 Pennies - Day 190

1. Got coffee for my step father
               This is his last weekend in putting together the new building for his work. It is bitterly cold outside & I just wanted to do something nice - to celebrate the finale of this long project.

2. Text other teachers about educational store deals
              It saddens me in the fact that many local businesses are having to shut down due to the struggling economy these days. This particular educational store has been in our community since I was a little girl. I still remember being little and going there with my mom as she shopped for her classroom. Anyway, this store is closing after several successful years and they need to sell their stock. So even though it saddens me, the silver lining is that I am able to buy some really good materials at amazingly discounted prices. As I shopped, I noticed some other things that other teachers in my building could use in their classrooms. So I started to text them to let them know about these deals.

3. Bought items for son's classroom
             Yes, I was even able to buy some really nice puzzles & books for my son's preschool classroom at very low costs. I know that his teacher will really appreciate it.

4. Gave extra money to support a local children's charity
              So I was grocery shopping and as I was getting ready to leave, I noticed this stand where the money collected supported local children that were diagnosed with cancer & now being treated at St. Jude's. Ok, so the stand was selling cookies & other sweets. My son loves cotton candy & they were selling his favorite kind - blue raspberry. So since the money was going to a good cause & the treat was going to a good little boy - sure! It only cost $1, but I gave $5 because I knew that everything was going to go help others.

FYI- no I didn't take 5 bags of cotton candy - just 1 bag is good & plenty.

5. Took a picture for another family
            So I took my son to one of his friend's birthday party this afternoon. There was a family there that the mom was trying to take a picture of the father and their son. I asked if they would like to have a picture of all of them together. The mother at first didn't know what to say. Then she started to comment on the fact that she is basically the photographer in the family and there isn't really any pictures of all of them together. I was happy to help them out & hope that she enjoys the picture along with the memory of the wonderful time that they had at the party.

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