Tuesday, September 6, 2011

5 Pennies - Day 183

1. Text a co-worker to wish her a Happy Birthday.
             The coolest thing about this birthday & coworker is that she shares it with Elvis! So lucky! I share my birthday with Billie Idol - which, I must say is really cool too!

2. Personally thanked the grounds keeper of the local store
                There was snow & salt & gunk all over the entrance of the store when I first went in to buy a cup of coffee. When I came out a worker was there shoveling a clear path for the customers to walk. I knew that I couldn't buy him a cup of coffee because he was 'on the clock' - so I personally thanked him for clearing things up for everyone else.

3. Returned a book of music to another teacher
             Accidents happen and we all make them. My biggest fault that in the process of trying to do multiple things at one time, I often put down music and forget to pick it back up when I leave the room. I notice that a lot of people do this especially with the copiers. As if we are in such a rush to get things copied & taken care of that we forget the original music. So today, I tracked down the person that it originally belong too. It was a little tough because I was at a workshop with all music teachers - but I still figured it out.

4. Straighten & cleaned up food court area
             Pushed in chairs, cleaned tables, threw away scraps of left behind - stuff that we sometimes forget to do in normal life. Just to help the regular cleaning crew & to make the area nice for everyone to enjoy.

5. Talked with another parent about college possibilities
             The worst thing about teaching is hearing that a student that you taught in 6th grade is approaching graduation. Ok, so this isn't the worst thing - but it does make you feel old. The only thing that makes you feel better after hearing this news is the plans that the parent & student have for their up coming future. I came from a family of limited in come. At the time, both my mother & father were not college graduates - since then my mother has become both a credited Undergraduate & Mastered Graduate - I'm so proud of her. Anyway, I learned quickly that since my brother was in college and was going to still be in college when I will be enrolling - I had to quickly figure out how I was going to pay for my education. Scholarships - I became a queen & a pro at this. I eventually earned over $32,000 for my high education. I know now - it doesn't seem like much - but at the time - it covered almost 3 years - which was nice. So knowing some of the scholarship tricks and such - I started to talk to this parent about various that the student should look into in order to attain the most amount of money to pay for their college. Also volunteered my time to help mentor this student during the application & audition regime. I have always thought that me helping my students goes well beyond the classroom walls & well beyond their 8th grade year.

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