Wednesday, February 1, 2012

5 Pennies - Day 220 Recovered

1. Bought another person a cup of coffee
           So I was finished my grocery shopping, but still had about 15 minutes left prior to picking my son up from choir practice. It was fairly cold outside tonight and I also didn't feel that great - I am desperately trying to fight the remainders of this sinus infection that just will not go away. Anyway, I pulled up to a little, but clean gas station. I need fuel for both my Jeep & my mind. So it was a purchase of gas & coffee - of course separate and going to the correct areas. So while I was in line to purchase my coffee I realized that I had a few extra dollars. I looked around and noticed an older guy preparing a cup of coffee for himself. I easily payed for my cup and then told the cashier that I was purchasing the other guy's coffee. After paying, I went up to him and told him to enjoy that free cup of coffee. I left him speechless - he literally didn't know what to say - it was great to see his reaction. Essentially, I made a man speechless over $1.32 :-)

2. Reheated another staff member's lunch
           So it was lunch time for me and as I approached the microwave, I noticed that the staff member who just used the microwave had to suddenly leave his lunch to take care of a student problem. As I heated up my soup, I kept an eye on the clock. After at least 5 minutes of heating my food and watching the clock, this staff member didn't return. Although I was done with the microwave, I stuck his food back in for another minute - knowing that his once heated food was now cold. Hopefully, he got back to it and was able to eat it warm.

3. Bought in snacks for a morning meeting
            I must admit that morning meetings are not my favorite thing. Ok, I think that it is also safe to say that morning meetings are not other people's favorite things to do either. So I figure that in order to make this at least a little bit enjoyable, I might as well provide snacks for others. Job well done.

4. Bought a cookie for another teacher
             So I had a special music ensemble rehearsal tonight - for an up coming concert this weekend. Anyway, while I was quickly grabbing a bagel and coffee to have as dinner I noticed another teacher a ways off grading papers. I didn't know her, but she had that teacher look - hair pulled back, correcting pencil in hand, pouring themselves over student work, vigorously shaking their heads once & awhile - trying to figure out what is being written; and of course the grade book. Anyway, I sort of felt sorry for her. That she was spending her spare moment at a restaurant not enjoying the food - but working & grading.  She definitely deserved a cookie break!

5. Helped another teacher with an application
         So in a previous penny, I described how I submitted paperwork to honor another teacher at a special event. Well, he was selected to indeed be honored and was asked to submit some additional paperwork. This afternoon he came to me for some advice in how to write his answer. I showed him what I did so that he had a jumping off point in how to construct his answers. I hope that he does well.

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