Monday, October 31, 2011

5 Pennies - Day 207

1. Wrote a belated birthday card to a college student from church
            This was a former youth that I would mentor last year while they were a senior in high school and they attended church regularly. Now that they are off at college, its been awhile since I've seen them. They are doing well, which is great to hear. So I just wanted to say hi and wish them a good birthday - even though I'm a few days late - oops! how time flies!

2. Wrote a 'Thinking of You' card
            This goes to an elderly church member who can not attend Sunday Service anymore. I miss her very much because she would always add some sort of wisdom during the conversation time after the sermon. She always had the best stories during the social time after the service. Just wanted to let her know that she was missed at service.

3. Wrote a 'Have a Nice Day' card
             So I must admit - I was a bit bored this afternoon. So I just randomly shuffled my way through the phone book and picked a random name. Yup, they received the card. The way that I see it is that - who wouldn't want to receive a card wishing them a nice day - even if they don't know the sender. Its all done in good spirits :-)

4. Salted the sidewalk
            So there is a house down the street from where I live where the neighbors moved out from it over this past summer. Its a fairly nice house, but now that no one lives in it - the sidewalks haven't been shoveled during the past few weeks of winter. I also live on a street that the neighborhood middle school kids walk to attend their school/classes. I worry over the fact that the mail carrier, other neighbors, and the local kids are walking on these types of untreated sidewalks - this is a safety hazard waiting to happen. So I had some free moments and the temperature wasn't too bad. I took my shovel and some left over salt and worked on these sidewalks. I was able to get a decent path cleared - enough for walking - until the temps warm up enough to finish melting the ice/snow mixture

5. Bought a random person a cookie
            This was actually my son's idea - I'm so proud of him. Since it was his idea, he chose the person in the food court and delivered it :-)

6. Cleaned up the food court
              Threw away abandoned trash, straighten up the chairs, wiped tables, returned trays, etc. Anything that helped keep the area clean for other customers and to help the workers their. Sort of like a penny that helped multiple types of people.

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