Sunday, October 16, 2011

5 Pennies - Day 201

1. Sanitized seats & door knobs at son's pediatrician
           Winter = sickness = need for cleanliness = good health :-)
           Ok, so I'm viglient towards cleanliness. I wonder what my superhero name would be? Mr. Clean is already taken & personally he scares me to be married to him, so 'Mrs. Clean' is out of the picture. Then there is Wonder Woman with her golden laso of truth - would mine be golden container of Clorox Wipes?
:-) Either way, whatever I can do help others; miniscule or large; simple or complex; immediate or future - whatever the need is, I would like to help.

2. Shoveled snow for the two elderly neighbors
            They are both very sweet and wonderful neighbors - the nastalgic grandparent type. Soft spoken & always smiling, but in need when it comes to winter weather. So of able body, strength, & mind - shoveling away I went. Honestly, it wasn't that cold or that physically demanding. Thanks to Tony H. & P90x for helping me build up my strength & endurance prior to the winter months :-)

3. Sent a birthday card to a church musician
            Happy Birthday! She's a wonderful musician - plays guitar, piano, saxophone, & trumpet. The most interesting thing about her is that she is also a great composer. She mainly writes songs for a small combo to perform, but is currently working on a piece for my concert band to perform possibly this spring or next. Another cool thing is that she is also a recording artist. A lot of the money that she sells based on her cds, she then donates it back into the church for mission projects or food pantries. Great spirit!

4. Wrote a 'Thinking About You' card to church elderly
             Haven't seen her for a while, just wanted to check to make sure that she was ok.

5. Wrote a 'Thank You' note to son's future kindergarten teacher
             So after reading the article from yesterday that focused on preparing your child for Kindergarten, I sent an email to his future teacher in requesting advice. Not only did she send me some helpful information through an email, but also sent a packet of activities to further prepare him for his entrance exam. I just had to send a special thank you note for the extra time that she put into advising me.

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