Friday, October 7, 2011

5 Pennies - Day 198

1. Bought extra food for the homeless shelter
           Yes, their shelves and supplies are starting to get bare. I just couldn't stand the thought tonight of while I was eating something warm & nutritious, there were others that were living off of scraps. So I had some extra money in my pocket and bought some simple supplies that you normally use within any meals - noodles, powder cheese, cans of soup, etc. Something warm to cut the iciness of the cold night.

2. Sanitize the church's library computers
           So within the educational area of the church that I attend, there are these computers that are accessible for anyone to use. We are in the midst of cold & flu season; and I know that the keyboards haven't been cleaned for awhile. So I just simply got a cleaning cloth and scrubbed the germs off of the keys. Aaaaahhh - one of my advantages of being OCD.

3. Talked with a student musician about future plans
            So I have been mentoring this student for the past 5 years. I am really proud of him because he has grown up so much both musically and maturity. Anyway, he is at the age where he is starting to think about his future plans as in what college and occupation. He is really interested in being a music teacher, which really makes me smile - because in some ways I feel partly responsible for starting and helping him nurture his love for music. So we chatted awhile about different colleges and scholarships and things that could get him closer to his goals. I need to keep a continual eye on him so that he doesn't lose momentum.

4. Got music ready for another musician
           I noticed that she was running late from serving refreshments at another earlier service. So as I was preparing my, it was just as easy to prepare her's as well. Simple to do and easy to help.

5. Brought in snacks for women's support group
            What women's support group wouldn't like something with chocolate? The best thing about this snack is that it was low calorie and high in protein - but it still tasted pretty good. Just something for them to munch on while they were having their evening/weekly meeting.

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