Tuesday, June 28, 2011

5 Pennies - Day 92

1. Picked up trash while giving my dog a walk
                 There was a McDonalds bag just laying there in the neighbor's yard as I gave my dog a walk early this morning. As I picked up this bag, I decided to use it to put other trash inside as we walked. This 'adventure' was a rare time that my dog actually became upset with me for pausing and stopping every so often to do my business.

2. Bought mother an extra Halloween cd to use at her school
               So my mother hosts this special Halloween family fun night at her school every year for the the 150 students and their families that are apart of her school. My son looks forward to this activity every year and it seems that he is really into the festive spirits especially this year as being "Buzz Light Year." So as my mother was decorating the outside of her school, she noticed that her regular Halloween cd was missing. I know that others look forward to Christmas music, but my mom enjoys the Halloween Spooks more. She was extremely delighted to receive this new cd because it had additional songs that the other was missing.

3. Was friendly to the cashier while buying and paying for items at the store
            Just treat other with respect. Learn their names. Make them smile.
            Regardless if they are your friend, they serve you, they wait at the bus stop with you.
            Whatever the reason is, be friendly.

4. Put away items that were on the floor at the store
            Again, the boy scout motto: "The the area cleaner that how you found it."
            I'm pretty sure that a grandmother probably originally said this. It just sounds like something that my grandmother would say. But then again, I have many of my grandmother's cleaning tendencies.

5. Helped a store clerk carry items back to her area
            She worked in the returns area. However, a part of her job was to periodically go to each cashier and gather the returned materials and then take them back to her area to sort out. As I watched her do this, I noticed that even the smallest little knick knacks that were brought back were gathering into a large pile. For me, it was just easy to go and help her carry the items. Yes, I see the irony in this 'penny' - helping another return things to the 'return' area.

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