Wednesday, June 15, 2011

5 Pennies - Day 46

1. Helped another teacher carry several heavy instruments to his car
              Yes, sometimes band instruments need to go see the doctor or the hospital too in order to properly get fixed. These particular instruments were very large and heavy. Since my students use the bigger instruments too - it was just easy to help. Besides I life weights and work out - I'm tough & strong - hear me roar!

2. Complimented another teachers based on her shoes
            So yesterday it was jewelry and today it is shoes. I really like to observe how people dress themselves. Maybe it is because I have no sense of style and I just try to watch others for ideas. Maybe it is because I like to look at the different colors, shapes, textures, etc. Maybe it is a combination of both. But this particular teacher had these really nice shoes on that really brought out the prettiness of her dress.

3. Gave the Physical Education teacher a booklet of inspirational football quotes
           I work out in the mornings and after noons with this particular teacher. He is a good guy and does a fantastic job at being our team leader - really good at dividing/delegating responsibilities and listening to problems with limited personal judgment. Anyway, it is football season in the area where I work and this particular teacher really enjoys seeing the Redskins play live. So when I saw this small football quotes booklet - I instantly thought of him. The best thing is that he can even use the content material within his classroom.

4.Wrote thank you notes to two different teachers for letting me borrow some school materials.
          Something simple to do - genuinely say thank you.

5. Wrote a "Thinking of You" card to a church shut in, who can't come to service anymore
           Again, take a little time to let someone else know that you are thinking about them - it will go a long way.

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