Friday, June 17, 2011

5 Pennies - Day 54

1. Bought cappuccino mix for another teacher
              This is a particularly special teacher. Not only is she an amazing social studies teacher, but she takes care of the school's yearbook, and is the tennis coach. I admire her boundless energy to move through the hallways. I often tell people that I wear shoes that are sneaker like so that I can race through the hallway - but really it is to be more like this teacher. I am far from an athlete so I am constantly trying to keep up with her. Anyway on the first day of school, she talked about that she wished that she could have a cappuccino machine in her classroom. Well, I can't provide that. But when I was at the grocery store the other day, when I saw this this I instantly thought of her.

2. Complimented a student based on her sneakers
              Many people may say that middle school students and teenagers are so self cautious about what they wear and how they look. That they try to impose other values onto themselves in attempts to fit in. As much as this is true - sometimes there is a student that just does things her/his own way. They have more self-confidence that I would ever have. So I have this student that loves, loves, loves the bright colors. Literally her shoes glow in the dark - I tested it in my room. The funny thing is that since she is so nice and friendly, I am starting to see others follow her - which is great because she is a good person.

3. Wrote and encouraging email to the guidance department in keeping up the good work
            For whatever reason our school is constantly a turn table for several students. For as many students that exit and move away - more than this amount enter. It really drives our guidance department crazy because it's a constant quick sand of a floor. However, they handle this issue with so much flexibility - it's truly incredible. They should write a book about Yoga!

4. Assisted the custodians by cleaning up my own room so that they could tend to other needs
               Tonight is yet another open house for parents. The custodians have been working long shifts trying to make everything nice for the parents. I just wanted to help them out by giving them less work to do - at least in my area.

5. Helped in cleaning up after an Open House
           Simple things like move tables back, take down posters, clean up refreshments, etc. Doing simple things like this helps other people out. When it helps other people out, everyone can go home earlier.

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