Thursday, June 9, 2011

5 Pennies - Day 27

1. Bought extra school supplies for the art teacher/friend
              Over the past several years I have developed a strong relationship with the art teacher who works beside me in the next classroom. She is a fabulous teacher that does amazing work with her students. I always know that she is desperately needing black sharpies and glue. It was something easy to do when the office stores have things on sale: 10 cents for glue (10 bottles) or a $1 for a pack of 5 Sharpies. Amazing sales!!! The nice thing about this penny is that not only is is helping the teacher, but it is also in turn helping the students by providing extra materials.

2.Held the door open at the convenience store for another customer
             If you see someone who is carrying several drinks, just hold the door.
             I know that it sounds like common sense, but sometimes we forget these easy things to do.

3. Gave water to a campaign person
           Bless his heart. He was out in the heat with his sign waving to every car that passed by. I just had to pull over and give him a bottle of water. I always carry extra bottles in my car in case of an emergency. Well providing nourishment for someone in need in the heat - what other emergency could their be.

4. Cleaned up lounge for the custodians to eat
            They clean are schools, it was only fair to clean & tidy up an area for them.

5. Cleaned up other teacher's plates & threw away their trash after lunch
             Just something simple & nice to do for others. Besides it's cleaning - my OCD side loved it!

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