Friday, June 10, 2011

5 Pennies - Day 30

1. Wrote a note to church staff wishing them a good week
              All of their vacations are basically over and they are settling in with their regular fall routine.

2. Helped another person unpack their grocery cart
            Ok, so this didn't go as planned. There was this guy who had a little son whom was very antsy about spending too much time in the grocery store. So I thought that I would help him out by lending a hand in unpacking his grocery cart at the register. As I was doing this - the guy started to scream at me about how I was going to steal his food. He made a really big scene. The security guard and store manager came over. I had to explain what I was doing and then they followed me for the rest of the time there - include watching me leave from the parking lot. I felt really bad in trying to help him.

*Note - not everyone is going to perceive you as helping. Next time ask if the person wants some help prior to automatically helping.

3. Got church music ready for another person
             So I noticed that the one musician was running late for service - so it was just something simple to do to help another person.

4. Advise another customer about a fundraiser with a particular pencil company
               There is a special smelling pencil company that you can organize a fundraiser in order to support your school or organization. This is a simple project that can earn big money. I just wanted to share my experiences with this particular company.

5. Helped a cook clean up after a really bad bacon grease spill
             I hate bacon to begin with. Not so much because of the pork product issue, but mainly because of the grease issue. It is smelly, slimy, and as my soon would put it - sloggiery. Anyway - they accidentally spilled the grease onto the counter which spilled over to the floor. It was the least that I could to then help them by assisting in the clean up.

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