Thursday, June 30, 2011

5 Pennies - Day 95

1.Gave another teacher an unshined crstyal because of her hobby
              This particular teacher is a science teacher that also likes to collect unique crystals and rocks. I thought that even if she didn't want to keep this for her own collection, she could possibly use it with her students. She is relatively new to our building, so this is a teacher that I really need to focus this school year in learning more about. At least I know about the crystals.

2. Made Candy Corn Cupcakes for various members of the staff.
             Ok, so I don't like candy corn and not that fond of cupcakes - so my son wanted to cook last night - this easily turned into a bake and take. I will say that I really liked how I decorated the cupcakes with the candy corn pieces - wish that I would have taken a pictures. However, those that had one enjoyed! :-)

3. Brought in a stack of newspapers for another set of school teachers
          They were a pile of the newspapers right beside the entrance door. It was just easy to pick them up and carry them in. I sat that in the room of the first teacher whose name was on the list of the papers. Very easy.

4. Wrote a "Thank You" note to another teacher who suggested and explain a unique review game with her students
                Sparkle - you take a vocabulary word and each student spells the word one by one - until it is complete and then the next person has to sit down. You can do this activity with any terms as a review.
               I just had to say thank you to the teacher that introduced me to this game.

5. Wrote another "Thank You" note to a set of teachers for taking care of some needed school activities
            Things just run smoother in my school when everyone helps each other out. This set of teachers really pitched in getting things taking care of to provide extra opportunities for the students. Job well done!

5 Pennies - Day 94

1. Bought another teacher an apple memo pad because she collect apple things.
            So when I first started teaching at my currently school, I was approached by a really nice math teacher. As she invited me into her room she showed me her 'apple' collection - these were little figurines, knick-knacks, pads, and other favors that lined her row of filing cabinets. As she talked about each one, you could tell that everyone had a story and particular meaning to the teacher. Right before she finished her welcome she then turned to me and told me to pick something out. She said that she invites all new teachers to pick something - like her way of welcoming them to the school. This was 9 years ago. One of the first figurines that I put out every year in my room is this same apple wall hanging ornament. So when I saw this apple memo pad, I knew exactly who I needed to give it to and why.

2. Complimented another teacher based on her outfit - especially her skirt
          So I can not pull off prints. The closest thing that I can pull off is something with strips - and sometimes that is a stretch. So I always admire women who can and do pull off these outfits - and just look pure amazing in them - even better than the mannequins at the store!

3. Picked up trash in the bathroom
             It was paper towels by the trash can. I washed my hands before I picked up the towels. Then gathered and I threw away the towels. Then I washed my hands again. FYI - yes, I used another paper towel with the door knob to open the door to leave the bathroom. Just trying to keep every aspect of my school clean - as a sign of respect towards others.

4. Returned basket to proper area within supermarket
               There was a basket gathering underneath the u-scan register today. I don't know if they were plotting to over throw the carts or very disappointed in the flatbeds - but either way the stack was getting large. I noticed that the pile at the front door was reducing as customers were coming in. So I just simply took these over to the proper area for future customers to use.

5. Cleaned up trash in the cafeteria
              Let's face it- cleaning up food particles after over 780 students use the area isn't fun. I just wanted to help the other custodians out.

5 Pennies - Day 93

1. Sent an e-card to the church's out-reach coordinator for putting together today's Community Activity
            This is a really wonderful person at church. Not only does she coordinates the music for contemporary worship, manages the children/youth choir, organizes the education aspect (Sunday School & VBS), an amazing musician within the praise band - but she also coordinates many out-reach community events. How she finds time to do everything - I have no idea! She is just so talented! So today is the annual Crop Walk at the local park. It is a 5 mile walk the help raise money for Hunger issues within our county and world wide. This particular person helped promote and organize the event within our church to participate. She really deserves a lot of credit and thanks!

2. Walked and performed at the Hunger Walk
             So I love to sing. Some people don't like it because I am not really good at it. But I still love to do it. I also love to walk - really any distance is fine by me. I can't run, but I can walk and walk and walk. Even though I am a music teacher, I think that I can walk better than I can run. Either way, both of the activities that I did helped the cause & raised money.

3. Got other praise band members water during the break between performances
          So I walked and actually made really good time. I had enough of time left over that I was able to fetch other band members more water as we were preparing for our next set. The one gentleman is a saxophone player - pure awesome talent - he said that he really appreciated the thoughtfulness.

4. Got lunch for another person who said that they were hungry
            So another band member came a little late to the first performance because he was visiting some relatives that live a bit of distance away. Between songs I overhead him say that he didn't have time for lunch and that he was really hungry. So I ducked out of the last song and got him the free hotdog, chips, cookies, and water. Easy.

5. Helped clean up abandoned trash from picnic tables
          I'm always in a cleaning mood. :-)

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

5 Pennies - Day 92

1. Picked up trash while giving my dog a walk
                 There was a McDonalds bag just laying there in the neighbor's yard as I gave my dog a walk early this morning. As I picked up this bag, I decided to use it to put other trash inside as we walked. This 'adventure' was a rare time that my dog actually became upset with me for pausing and stopping every so often to do my business.

2. Bought mother an extra Halloween cd to use at her school
               So my mother hosts this special Halloween family fun night at her school every year for the the 150 students and their families that are apart of her school. My son looks forward to this activity every year and it seems that he is really into the festive spirits especially this year as being "Buzz Light Year." So as my mother was decorating the outside of her school, she noticed that her regular Halloween cd was missing. I know that others look forward to Christmas music, but my mom enjoys the Halloween Spooks more. She was extremely delighted to receive this new cd because it had additional songs that the other was missing.

3. Was friendly to the cashier while buying and paying for items at the store
            Just treat other with respect. Learn their names. Make them smile.
            Regardless if they are your friend, they serve you, they wait at the bus stop with you.
            Whatever the reason is, be friendly.

4. Put away items that were on the floor at the store
            Again, the boy scout motto: "The the area cleaner that how you found it."
            I'm pretty sure that a grandmother probably originally said this. It just sounds like something that my grandmother would say. But then again, I have many of my grandmother's cleaning tendencies.

5. Helped a store clerk carry items back to her area
            She worked in the returns area. However, a part of her job was to periodically go to each cashier and gather the returned materials and then take them back to her area to sort out. As I watched her do this, I noticed that even the smallest little knick knacks that were brought back were gathering into a large pile. For me, it was just easy to go and help her carry the items. Yes, I see the irony in this 'penny' - helping another return things to the 'return' area.

Monday, June 27, 2011

5 Pennies - Day 91

1. Bought another teacher a poster of her favorite singer
              So the chorus teacher at my school is madly in love with Bob Marley. Well, maybe that is an exaggeration - so maybe I should say something like completely obsessed?!? Anyway, she has a lot of different posters of him throughout her room. But I found a poster that she didn't have yet at a local vintage art store. When I saw it, I knew who it was going to belong to.

2. Helped another teacher by sitting with a rough student and working with him one-on-one
               There was a particular student that was having a rough day - well, he has been having several rough days lately. I know that he has the capabilities of being a decent student, but some sort of bee has gotten into his bonnet - maybe even a whole hive. Anyway, I heard him and the teacher getting close to lose both of whatever patience that they had left. So instead of using my planning time to work in my classroom - I felt that my time would be better spent in helping both of these individuals to get through the reminder of the class period in one piece.

3. Checked in on a sub throughout the day to make sure that she had everything that she needed to function
           I was a sub throughout college working on my bachelor's degree and then prior to getting the current teaching position that I am in. Even though that this was 10 years ago, I'm pretty sure that all subs have that fear of not having the materials that they need to function. Another fear that I think that may be standard regardless of the passing of time is the fear of having an out of control class. I will admit that in my sub career, there were a few days that both of these fears became realities. During these times, I would often pray for someone to come in to offer assistance. Sometimes this would happen, but most of the time I was there with the rope hanging. But now looking back on those days, I have vowed to always check in on subs to make sure that they are ok, on their feet, and functioning. If those three things are covered - then Houston, we don't have a problem.

4. Volunteer time by working a concession stand at a high school football game
           So I have a great group of parents that support my band students with various needs. Financially, they support by often paying for music, field trip buses, uniform cleaning, and more. However, finding money in their account to use can become a unique challenge. One way that they earn money for my students is by running a concession stand at the town's high school football game. And as easy as that may sound - it really isn't. I know, it sounds like oh here's a hot dog & a soda enjoy your game. This  is what I thought a few hours ago. But this opinion quickly changed. I started this volunteer shift at 5:30 and the next time I looked at the clock it was already 10:15 - whoa! And as hard work as it was, I  am glad that I did it. Not only did I give my time to a beneficial program - but now I have an even high sense of appreciation for this group of parents. Thanks You!

5. Took back dirty trays for other teachers to the cafeteria
               Just to be nice and help them out - Easy.

5 Pennies - Day 90

1. Bought another teacher bookmarks of her favorite football team
              There is a wonderful reading teacher in my building that prior to the school year starting, painted her classroom the colors of her favorite football team - The Ravens. As for me, no I don't watch much tv and the tv that I do watch isn't football. However, she really enjoys this team - at least enough to have the colors stare back at her for the entire school year. So since she is a reading teacher and enjoys sharing books with her students - I only thought of her when I saw The Ravens bookmarks.

2. Wrote a "Good Job" note to another teacher that made special signs to remind her students about up coming projects
          If you don't know any 11-14 year olds, let me just say that the average one lost their head in elementary school and doesn't find it again until high school. Now grant it, there are some that are super organized - they were ones that were born on time (hint - can you guess that was me?) But the majority does need at least a little extra helps or reminders about up coming projects. This particular teacher really wants to see her science students do well, so she posted reminder signs throughout the hallways that they usually use. Brilliant move!

3. Picked up trash in the school parking lot
            Having respect for your school is more than keeping it clean inside - it also includes that outside as well.

4. Wrote a "Thank You" note to another co-worker for listening to me explain a problem
             Most of the time I like to be the ear and shoulder for someone to talk to. However, today I needed someone to listen. After talking out my frustrations and concerns, this particular staff member also helped me brainstorm some possible solutions. The least I could do was to write a note in saying thank you!

5. Brought snacks to an after school meeting
            After school teacher meetings are unique gatherings. We are there for a particular reason, we know that we need to get work done, and we work - but honestly, we are exhausted from the day's on goings. After a rough day of work, the last place that you want to be is in another meeting. Ok, to expand on that thought is even after a decent day of work, sometimes the last place that you want to be is in another meeting. So, to bring extra snacks for everyone to enjoy was the very least that I could do to thank everyone for coming.

5 Pennies - Day 89

1. Bought another teacher cooking funnels
               Sounds silly right? Well, this teacher loves to cook. In fact, they are amazing at making specialized cakes and cupcakes. Everything is from scratch - no boxed or prepackaged mixes & icings in her kitchen. She loves to go to extra cake decorating classes and enjoys traveling to see the mecca of Miss Paula Deen. I know that she probably already has funnels, but when I saw these I thought of her. Besides, you can have extra fun with extra funnels! She's also a math teacher, so if she can't use them in her kitchen - then maybe in her classroom?

2. Let another car go before me while driving to work
               So have you ever been on the inner state and behind a very slow moving truck? Well, this we me and another car this morning while going to work. So as I was pulling around, I slowed down in the other lane and motioned for the car ahead of me to also pass. Just something simple that helped another person.

3. Covered for another teacher to give her a break
             One of my favorite places in my school is the ISS (In School Suspension) room. Yes, I said this correctly. I originally enjoyed going there because that is where I made coffee for other teachers, but I have made friends with another teacher that basically manages the kids in this area. She is a fantastic lady with a lot of brilliant ideas. Yes, she has good and bad days like the rest of us - but she really does try to understand and personally help each student in need in her area. For some of these students, she is the only one that they talk to. In addition, for many students, she is the only one that they want to avoid (maybe not her so much, but at least the room). Anyway, she wasn't feeling that well today and you could instantly tell by the look on her face. I gave up my lunch time so that she could have an extra break to go to a quiet area and lay down for a little while. When she returned, she still didn't feel that great - but she said that the extra rest was very helpful.

4. Wrote a "Thank You" note to another teacher who hosted a special guest in her area.
              The art teacher was awarded extra money to host a special clay artist in resident to help teach the clay unit with all of her classes. This is such a wonderful opportunity for our students. Letting the students express themselves creatively, but bringing members of the community to share their expertise. Brilliant!

5. Wrote a "Great Job" note to another teacher who took her students on a special field trip
             Organizing a field trip is a lot to handle and a lot of work to make sure that everything runs smoothly. Regardless if you have organized 1 or 100, each field trip is unique with several variables. Sometimes we forget to thank those that have put in extra time to make sure that the field trip is educational and fun!

5 Pennies - Day 88

1. Bought another staff member a miniature scarecrow for her collection
             I noticed in her room around her chalkboard area was a growing collection fall based things - little pumpkins and gourds, a little friendly witch, a dancing ghost. So I was thinking that what was missing from this collection was a little scarecrow to keep the others company. When I saw it at the craft store the other day, I knew who exactly it belonged to.

2. Baked cookies and apple butter bread for son's school
             Again, the whole make/bake & take idea that I previously explained in an earlier penny. His teachers do so much for his class to make things nice, they should be treated every once and awhile - as well as the kids.

3. Wrote and encouraging note to another teacher to had a rough parent meeting
               As a teacher, we all have these every once and awhile. I meeting that you felt uncomfortable about going into and felt even worse leaving from. No matter how much you told yourself prior to that things will be ok and no matter how much you told yourself afterwards that you will be ok - these types of meetings really shake your core. It's those kryptonite meetings that take longer to recover from. Part of the recover process is hearing something good from someone else. I hope that I was that good. I hope that the recovery started with my note. I hope that the teacher will feel better tomorrow.

4. Cleaned up trash from another person's snack
              So I had an after school training session today. Most of us teachers raced from our home school to the board of education to attend the meeting on time. A few of us actually have a few minutes to spear and were able to get a snack prior to coming to the meeting. This particular teacher did and felt better after eating the snack because it gave her a brief moment to just breath and enjoy. I wanted to extend that enjoyment by cleaning up her trash for her - I'm not even for sure if she noticed, but that's not the point. She was able to calmly sit for a few brief moments before going back to work mentally.

5. Shared my snack with someone else
          So I was also one of these teachers that was able to get a snack prior to attending the meeting at the board of education after school today. Knowing that there would be someone else that didn't have enough time - I bought an extra item to give away. They were very thankful for the extra thoughtfulness.

5 Pennies - Day 87

1. Bought another teacher unique pins
                So there is another teacher in my building that painted her room prior to the beginning of the school year starting. The coolest thing is that she bought all of her teacher accessories to go along with the coloring theme of her room. You could tell that it took a lot of planning for everything to coordinate with each other. So I noticed that on her bulletin board that there were push pins that just didn't go with the theme of her room. Odd, I thought. So when I saw pins that would go along the other day at the store - I knew exactly who should have them.

2. Moved the custodial wet floor sign out of the way of others
               It's ok, the floor wasn't wet anymore anyway.
               It was the beginning of the day where we dismiss all of the students from the auditorium to first period - so basically there is a lot of hallway traffic. I just didn't want the sign to get trampled on, broken, or walked off.

3. Wrote a "Congratulations" note to another staff member for being nominated for an award
                We have such a fantastic guidance department at school - the one in particular does a lot of really hard work. So when I heard that she was nominated for a special award because of her years of service and all of the work that she does (even stuff that I didn't know) - I was really proud and happy for her. It's a small gesture with a note - but sometimes it's the little things that make such a big difference.

4. Advise another staff member how to frugally shop for a child's fundraiser
           Ok, I admit it. I am one that doesn't like to spend a lot of money. I'm always looking for deals - especially knowing that I have some birthdays and the holidays to shop for in the next two months. So when I was approached by yet another school fundraiser by another teacher I just had to explain what I was doing. A part of my budgeting plan, is really thinking about how I can get the most out of my money. If this means making a list of people I need to shop for - then so be it. If this means writing down who will get what so that I don't over spend or spend too much - then so be it. If this means 'making my list and checking it twice' - then so be it. So as I was looking at a catalog for another teacher and of course talking to myself - she heard what I was doing. Then I went about telling her my shopping strategies. She said that all of my ideas were really helpful because she has 5 kids of her own - yikes! Yes, it may take me longer to shop - but I save some money in the end.

5. Cleaned up trash in the hallway
            We have a proud school - being clean just shows the level of respect & responsibility that we have for our surroundings.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

5 Pennies - Day 86

1. Racked leaves up for an elderly neighbor
                My neighbor loves her front yard, especially when it is kept nice and tidy. I haven't seen her daughter or son visit to help her recently. I, on the other hand, had some extra time before church this morning - so I found my rake from my garage and got down to raking leaves. The more I raked, the more piles I created, the better I felt. Not so much in the fact that I was helping her, but it gave me time to slow down and just think about things that were going on in my life personally - just a moment to breathe. Before I knew it, the elderly neighbor was right behind me with a trash bag and gathering up my piles. As much as she thanked me for raking her leaves, the more I wanted to thank her for providing me breathing room.

2. Put away abandoned shopping carts at the grocery store
                These poor carts - they just needed help in finding a place to belong. Isn't that metaphoric for us as humans sometimes in our own lives?

3. Cleaned up spilled marshmallows that spilled in an grocery store isle
            For a small ball of sugar - wow! They can make a big, big, big mess. They may be wonderful in being melted within a s'more, but they are completely gross when the get stuck to the bottom of your shoe. So I simply saw a cleaning cart near by, borrowed the small broom, and swept up the marshmallows madness. The funny thing was that as I swept up the marshmallows, other people just stopped and stared at me - thinking, "What is she doing?" But as they asked themselves this, I was thinking "How can people just walk around this mess and not want to do anything to help?"

4. Took out the the trash to the curb for someone else
             I noticed earlier today that this person wasn't feeling all that great - so I just wanted to do something nice for them.

5. Wrote an encouraging card to staff members at a local nursing facility
             Nurses are very special people that are often over looked on a day to day basis. They provide so much care and attention, but rarely get thanked and often get mistreated. We would not be able to survive without these people. I just wanted to say thank you and keep up the good work to the staff of a local facility. They do such an amazing job.

5 Pennies - Day 85

1. Picked up trash on a walk with son and dog
          I am beginning to enjoy keeping my street and area nice and clean for everyone to enjoy - especially the other kids that live near me.

2. Picked up toys at street festival
           So there was this stand at the street festival that advertised various books and toys for everyone to look at. I normally stop at these types of stands to let my son pick out something - a book and a small trinket toy. As we were perusing the area, I noticed that there were some toys that were knocked over. I just simple went over to the pile of toys, picked them back up, and put them back on the shelf. Easy.

3. Bought mother her favorite soda at the street festival
           She didn't have enough money because she bought some books of her own. I remember being little and her often buying me a drink at similar events. I just wanted to take care of her.

4. Wrote a "Thinking of You" card to a person on the church surgery list
          I really don't know much about this particular person, but I still wanted to write them a card. Sometimes it is easier to say hello, hey how are you, have a nice, etc. to those that you don't know because you don't have the pressure that a regular relationship brings. Besides, I think that anyone would like to hear that someone is thinking of them - regardless if they know them or not.

5. Bought flowers for another teacher who invited me to a party
            So another teacher from school throws this annual pot-luck party every fall. The food there is the most delicious stuff that I get to eat the entire year - and I am not a pork/ham type of person! I often don't know many people that go to this event, but her house & farm area is just really peaceful to be at. The sunset the settles behind the hill of her house is really spectacular to look at. So between the food and the sun - I'm really fortunate to be invited to such an event.

5 Pennies - Day 84

1. Bought another teacher her favorite hot chocolate mix
                So one of my closest teacher friend loves hot chocolate. I know exactly how she likes it - 2/3 hot chocolate & 1/3 milk. Why is it when it turns October the mornings instantly start getting cooler? Anyway, this is the last day within the first grading marking period and I wanted to do something nice for this teacher. So hot chocolate it is - anytime that she wants it now on cool mornings.

2. Gave another teacher some requested supplies
             So another teacher sent out an all staff email asking for any spare tag board to borrow for a class project. I had some extra pieces within my room from a previous activity with my own classes. They were her's now. Simple.

3. Wrote a thank you note to a custodian who found me batteries
              Just when I had my DVD player set and ready to show my class something really cool - the remote refused to work. I normally keep extra batteries in my classroom for such an occasion, but whenever I hear of someone else needing something - I normally give it to them. This time I needed some and a custodian overheard me. Before I started to scavenger through my supply closet for the third time the custodian was there with a smile and some batteries. She made my day and saved my class. I didn't know that they wore capes in their spare time!

4. Wrote a thank you note to an administrator for playing an activity with my students
            Sometimes when my students finish their work for a particular unit they earn free time activity. Today was such a day since it was also the end of the grading marking period as well. So the students decided to play, Rock Band, as an administrator was doing a walk through my department. When he saw how much fun my students were having with this gaming system, he started to ask them questions. Before long the students had him hooked up to a guitar controller and he was doing his best to play along. The students were coaching him along in what to do. It was a classic moment! Doing little things like this leave such an impression with the students - when you get on their level. I had to say thank you.

5. Helped a little boy pick up spilled DVD's on the floor at the store.
           So I had to get some odds and ends from a store after school today. As I was walking in, I noticed a little boy looking at the DVD rack. Startled when he heard his own name being called by his parents, he accidentally knocked over a stack of DVD's. As they went scattering on the floor he just hung his head like, "Great - now I'm going to get yelled at for this too." I easily bent down and started to pick up the DVD's with him. Before long, we had everything picked up and he was on his way. However, he paused for a second turned to me to smile and wave - there was no need for words.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

5 Pennies - Day 83

Wow, the last day in September!
I think that Greenday said it best, "Wake me up, when September ends." Beautiful song.

1. Bought simple picture frames for another teacher.
                So this is a relatively newer teacher to our school that I really don't know that much information about except that she teaches science. I do know that she has two daughters that she cares very much about. She has pictures of them displayed all around her desk and her computer. Sort of like a display of pride. I did notice that the corners of the pictures were starting to curl up. So at this sight I was keeping my eyes open for some simple picture frames for her to use. Bingo - I found some!

2. Made a special breakfast for son
              He had a rough day at school yesterday with another older boy picking on him. I just wanted to do something nice for him so that he knew that I loved him. We normally have extended breakfast time on the weekend where we have fresh baked goodies - but today was different - he needed something extra. Baked cinnamon twists it was!

3. Wrote thank you notes to various teachers in preparing a special activity for the students
                Some of the teachers are preparing a special field day for tomorrow as a team building project. We have never done this before at our school, so everyone involved is a little anxious about how this event is going to go. But I have faith in them and I am sure that things will turn out well. Either way, they all deserved a special thank you.

4. Picked up student artwork and supplies that were accidentally left on the floor in the middle of the hallway.
            The end of the period came quicker than what this student realized. So while they hurried to their next class so that they wouldn't be late, I offered to clean up after them. Their artwork was really interesting to look at - as for me, I am a stick figure type of gal.

5. Sat and talked to a new student to welcome her to our school
             It is very nerve racking to be new somewhere. The only two hopes that I personally have when I am in this type of position is to:
                1. Survive the day
                2. Be rescued by someone
So by talking to this new student, I was trying to help with both of these possible hopes for her.

5 Pennies - Day 82

1. Bought a horse calendar to another teacher
                This is the same teacher that I mentioned before in having a conversation about the homeless horses in a previous day's penny. Anyway, while I was out and about I saw this September to September calendar that it's theme was horses. As soon as I saw it, I knew exactly who it was going to belong to.

2. Helped a student who was very upset to try to find their cell phone
               Why a middle school student needs a cell phone is beyond me? Really, are middle school students that busy? If so, we have a problem that is much more important than a lost cell phone. However, the student was really upset and I hate seeing my students upset - regardless of what the reason was. Although I had a massive amount of work to grade on my desk - my most important job I felt was to make sure that this student was ok for the day. By lunch time they found out that the cell phone slipped out of his pocket on the school bus. Ok, crisis adverted!

3. Complimented a student based on her haircut
                 I have this brilliant student that has the prettiest red hair. However, she definitely has her own style that she expresses from head to toe. Her name may be common - but her confidence makes her unique. Anyway, she decided to cut her hair really short on one side while keeping it a little long on the other. There is no way that I could have ever pulled off this hair cut - and honestly, I don't know many other that could as well. But this student - she could, she did, and wow!

4. Sharpened all of the pencils in the pencil cup for gym teacher
              I saw a cup of these pencils on her tv cart. But when I reached for one, the tip was broken. I reached for another and there was barely a tip at all. So by the third pencil I realized that I needed to just sharpen all of them. It was about 5 minutes in exchange for a cup of newly sharpened, ready-to-use pencils.

5. Showed a visitor at church the location of the bathroom
             Anytime I am in a new place, this is one of the first locations that I learn. You can tell a lot about a facility based on their bathroom. When I was little I would refuse to eat at a restaurant if I felt that it wasn't clean enough. This would upset my father greatly, but my mother would completely understand my need to be clean.
Note - restaurants - I know that you have to have a sign about washing your hands according to OSHA - but please keep this area clean. If you can't keep this area clean, it does not give me hope that my food is being cooked in a clean area either.

5 Pennies - Day 81

1. Bought a math puzzle book for another teacher
                 So this particular teacher is extremely hard working and incredibly brilliant. In all of his wonderful traits that he possess, I still have a hard time in finding an angle to understand him personally - no the math pun was not deliberate, but it does make sense. To be perfectly honest, he actual intimidates me a great deal. However, one of the rules that I set up for this project is to try to learn something from each staff member within my building. This includes those that for whatever reason, I don't mesh with. So the one day I had to go to his classroom to drop something off for another student and noticed that he keeps a Suduko desk calendar by his teacher computer - finally I breathed because I knew exactly what treat to get him! That afternoon I went to the dollar store and picked up a small leisure booklet. Today he received it in his school mailbox.

2. Wrote a "Thank You" note to another teacher for working with another student prior to the school day beginning.
          Us teachers are not "9-5" workers. We often come in early or stay after late to work with students for various reasons, ie. clubs, catch up, community stuff, etc. These opportunities are often under the "other" caption within our job description - that we often do not get paid for, and even more so, rarely get thanked. However, these moments are usually the highlights of our teaching day. This is the time that we get to really learn about the student on a one-to-one or small group aspect. This is the relationship building component to our job - something that if we excel at, then our daily job becomes easier and more manageable. This particular teacher often comes in early to help his students with different needs. He just deserved a thank you note at the very least.

3. Bought a cafeteria worker her favorite chips
             This particular worker helps wash the tables throughout the different breakfast and lunch shifts. In addition, she also helps in the teacher work room by copying materials and laminating materials for us when we are in a hurry. She is a really nice lady that has a lot of wisdom - when you have the time to listen. Whenever I am in the workroom, I always try to learn something from her - mostly the stories that I like hearing from her is focused on manners. So to show my respect and thankfulness, I bought her favorite chips.

4. Gave up my lunch time to work with a student auditioning for a private school
             This is one of my favorite students right now because he is so hard working. Her audition is months away, but she picked a really hard piece and really wants to do well. So if she is going to put in the extra time - well, so do I.

5. Gave my extra gym socks to another teacher prior to work out
            Today it was kickboxing - one of my favorite routines - not because of the kicking or the boxing - but just the workout is hard, but I feel so good afterwards - like I really did something good for myself. Anyway, this particular teacher forgot a pair of socks for workout. I always keep an extra pair in my gym bag for such an occasion. I didn't want her to develop blisters on her feet from the workout, so I gave her mine. By the way - I asked her not to give them back, even if she washed them - OCD, no thank you.

Extra penny-
6. Bought and gave the SPCA extra cat food
           I read in the newspaper this past weekend that they were running low on this supply and could use the communities support. It was easy to pick up a bag at the grocery store.

5 Pennies - Day 80

1. Bought scented incense sticks for another staff member
                So weekly we have these small grouped staff meetings that focus on student achievement and strategies. The staff member that basically manages and runs the meetings is a really nice lady that often supplies candy and snacks to the other teachers at these meetings. I also noticed that she has a thing for incense sticks and having her office area smell nice - her office area really is the size a small bathroom, but she enjoys it. Since she does something nice for the staff, I thought that it was about time that she got something nice back.

2. Brought in homemade Apple Oatmeal cookies for the staff members that work in the front office.
             I am a horrible cook. I truly am. I burn poptarts. I blame my ADD. However, I do love to make and bake items. This is one of the few activities that I get to share with my son - he loves the directions aspect. In a way it is a really nice bonding moment, as well as, an educational experience with the aspects of following the order of directions, measuring, ingredients. But - as much as I love make & bake - I do not like to have a lot of sweets in my house. So I have expanded on the "make & bake" to incorporate the "take" - yes, I made a rhyme - I do it all the time! The take aspect is just taking the 'goodies' to Sean's school, to neighbors, to work, etc. Giving away food is very good for the heart!

3. Encouraged a female student to try a different hair style
            This student often visits me in the morning prior to the actual school day starting. She is a terrific athlete that is really involved in various year round soccer programs. Although as confident as she may be on the soccer field, she expresses her unsureness of how she looks off the field and in the classroom. So today she showed up with her hair down. She has the most amazingly beautiful auburn hair that anyone could want, but often hides it in a ponytail. When another student, who also visits me in the morning, asked: "What's with the hair?" Instantly, she scooped it up and pulled it back. Looking at me, she shrugged her shoulders - but, I knew that there was more to it. So when the first period bell rang, I held her back and encouraged her to give me the ponytail holder. After several attempts of avoiding me, she finally and reluctantly gave me the band. I then walked her over to my closet mirror and asked her why she wore her hair down. She said that she wanted to try something new. So that is what I made her do for the remainder of the day. I checked up on her at lunch time, with a big smile she said that she had received a lot of compliments. I offered her hairband back, but she just put it on her wrist and smiled.

Note - Boys & Men that act like little boys, when us women try something new with hair or clothes - think before you make a comment! It does leave lasting impressions.

4. Gave up my lunch time to help another staff member write an email about an up coming student activity
           This staff member is fairly new at taking over a particular committee at school. She is doing a wonderful job though! She just needed someone to listen and read through her information. I was the guide.

5. Threw away snack trash for another staff member
           I was on my way to the cafeteria anyway, so I took her stuff along too - to save her a trip. Easy.

Friday, June 24, 2011

5 Pennies - Day 79

1. Got bells and music ready for other musicians prior to service
            Have you ever ran late for something that you were supposed to perform in? Well, the was happening to the woman beside me. She came in last minute because of car trouble. She was completely exasperated. She wasn't mentally with us. So the least that I could do was to help her in this way.

2. Cleaned children's and adult's snack tables
           So after service we have this thing called coffee hour - where we share light refreshments and some light chit-chat. Anyway, I noticed that there was a stain on the one table that the children often gather to share. So I wiped it with a cleaner and then decided that maybe I should also go over the adult tables and coffee ends too. Those cleaning clothes were certainly dirty afterwards, but everything else was clean!

3. Returned water bottle to a church choir member
             I have lost many water bottles due to putting it down and walking away from it. Ok, so I do this with my keys at least 3-5 times a week. And this was a pretty nice water bottle too! Since I knew who it belonged to, it was easy just to return it to them.

4. Bough elderly neighbor an Autumn outside decoration for her porch
              This was a smiling scarecrow stick figurine for her porch steps. She loves to have her daughter and her grandkids come over and help her decorate her house for the changing seasons. The little scarecrow was just something extra that I saw to add to her annual collection.

5. Returned shopping carts to grocery store
              They were having their own congregational meeting in the middle of the parking lot.

5 Pennies - Day 78

1. Left another car go ahead of me
          It was trying to make a left hand turn and was waiting for 2 full songs that played on the radio. I had no urgency, so I let them go ahead.

2. Bought mother & stepfather their favorite candy
          For no particular reason - I just thought that it would be something nice to do.

3. Moved a street sign out of the middle of the street
         So today was a bit windy of a day in my town. Up the road from where I live they are doing some construction work on the road. It being Saturday, the workers were either not there or they were on a lunch break. However, the wind carried the sign into the middle of the street where cars where driving and swerving around it. I just pulled over, watched out for traffic, and moved the sign back to the side of the road. Then I put a nearby sandbag to hold it down.
Ok, so if my mother is reading this blog - yes, I took precautions. I looked both ways. I waited for cars to stop. I wore bright shirts. It was in the middle of the day. I waved my hands. And most importantly, I had on clean undergarmets!

4. Bought extra apples and caramel dressing for son's preschool class
                 Johnny Appleseed week - Part 2.
         Apparently, they had so much fun last week with apples that it was extended into this week. I told the teacher to let me know what supplies she needed to help.

5. Thoroughly washed and cleaned the kitchen for my mother
          She had to work extra at her school today, when she normally takes Saturday morning to do the cleaning chores around the house. I just wanted things to be clean for her when she got home and she was tired. From little up she always said, "A clean house is a happy house." I like it better with the saying, "You can never be too clean!" Did I mention that I was OCD lately?

5 Pennies - Day 77

1. Bought another teacher a 'wacky' pin
                So there is this really crazy teacher at my school. She is the most beloved one there by all of the other staff members, students, and families. Her outfits are legendary and everyone waits for a special holiday just to see what she will look like. Her socks, earings, clothes, everything never matches. She doesn't care at all. I admire her for this trait. But beyond her appearance, she is a really gifted teacher. By the look of her room you wouldn't expect her to be the one that is in charge of helping others be organized. But honestly - if you ask her for something, she knows exactly where it is. She is so sweet nature and I have never heard her raise her voice in the past 10 years that I have worked with her. However, she commands the respect of all the kids and like I said, she is very much loved by all. When I saw the pin - I only knew one person that could pull it off.

2. Gave another teacher her favorite yogurt
               So the other day I was eating yogurt beside another teacher who was eating yogurt as well. We both had our favorite flavors; mine - strawberry and her's peach. So when I went to the grocery store the other day to pick some up, they had a sale and I picked up an extra peach. These nice little gifts are wonderful to get - but even more wonderful to give.

3. Sent an email sincerely thanking those staff members that helped with student reward activity
                  Today was a special day for the students - Popcorn Friday. So we run a positive behavior program in my school that rewards the students when they are doing good or that they have improved. This theory is to help increase a positive climate. So today the students had the opportunity to 'purchase' popcorn during lunch. This popcorn was bought, made, bagged, and sold by various members of the staff. Everyone worked together to pull this off, including the clean-up crew. I just needed to sincerely say thank you.

4. Helped students clean up cafeteria after popcorn activity
               So I had lunch duty and I was partly in charge of the popcorn - so it was befitting to also help in the clean up. I gave up my plan period and it was well worth spending it with a small group of students talking to them how respect and responsibility is shown in many ways. Well, they mainly talked to me and I just listened as we both did our chores of cleaning.

5. Returned a swing cushion to a neighbor after it blew away into another yard
             I grew up in a medium size house in a nearby town from where I work. The best thing about this house was the porch swing. I remember many times that all I did on a summer's day was just lay on the porch swing playing barbies, reading, listening to music, just staring at my flowers. Even to this day I long for this porch swing again. So when the neighbor's materials blew away and I had the opportunity to return it - I took my memories along with me.

5 Pennies - Day 76

1. Bought superhero stickers for another teacher
                So there is this really great Social Studies teacher at my school that loves superheros. Actually there are two and yes the majority of the day they share a room together - so it is really like a perfect fit. There room is decorated like an 8 year old boy lives there completely with full size wall hangings of Darth Vader, Superman, and Spiderman. I saw these superhero stickers while I was grocery shopping with my son. They were 2 packs for 1 and he asked if he could have some. Once I gave one pack of these stickers to my son, I knew exactly who I was going to give the other pack to. I figured that between these two adult male teachers, they can figure out a way to split the superhero kid stickers. And even if they don't - it's ok, I bought a superhero thing for the other teacher - but this is for another time.

Here's my real question though-
What is it with boys & men and their love for superheros? Is it the adventure? Is it the need to help someone? Is it the fantasy? Come on guys - help me out? I have a 4 year old son that I am trying to understand. Maybe men are from Mars - even better yet - Kryptone!

2. Wrote a note to another teacher wishing the a good day
                This particular teacher has seemed really worn down lately and rightfully so - she is the volleyball coach at my school. So lately she has been working a full day at school and then after school runs a 2-3 hour practices session. And then there are some days that when there is no practice session, there is a 2-3 hour game. Then on the weekends she is off doing tournaments with various extra volleyball programs that she manages. Wow - she's my hero!

3. Complimented another teacher based on her outfit
              As much as I don't understand the male mind, I do understand the female one. We like to be told that we look nice - regardless of who gives us the compliment. Sometimes we deny it, but at the end of the day - we still like the compliment.
Ladies - it is ok to say thank you when giving a compliment - and even more ok to agree with them.

Those that know me - I hear you laughing, but yes I will work on this too.

4. Picked up a dropped shirt at a sporting store
                There is a local sporting store that I secretly love - well, I guess that it is not a secret anymore. This store has a variety of items for a variety of sports - most of which I have never played - and some of which I don't want to. But there is also a section that has clothes. I like looking at the athletic clothes because most of the time they are made out of material that feels nice to move in. Maybe it is because of all of the years in dance - or - my new found hobby of working out everyday; but there is something to be said of how workout clothes feel. They breath on the skin and move with you - very unlike my dress clothes for work. Would it be wrong to request a sports polo and khaki hiking shorts as my burial clothes?

5. Gave directions to another person in finding a store
             Ok, so I have a really bad habit of overhearing other conversations. Some people call it eaves dropping - but, most of the time I use my powers for the intention of doing good. So this particular person was asking the register lady about directions for a particular store. They didn't know, but I have lived in this area for over 30 years and knew exactly where they needed to go. Since they were a locational driver (meaning that they don't take directions by street names, but by marking points) - I was able to help them with no problems.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

5 Pennies - Day 75

w1. Bought a poster of a teacher's favorite movie
                So there is another teacher in my building that also loves to hang up movie posters. For her it is the Twilight saga stories. Personally, I couldn't get into these books. I am not much for science fiction and really don't think that either male actor is that good looking - so I am basically 'teamless'. That is ok, I have a poster of Johnny Depp in my room as he played Sweeny Todd - JD my friend, well he is 'timeless.' :-)

2. Washed out another person's coffee cup
              It was in the sink, it needed to be done, so I did it. Simple.

3. Thanked my program supervisor for being supportive
             When I was in middle school, he was my band teacher from day 1. He is truly and amazing teacher and great supervisor. There will never be anyone on Earth that works as hard as he does with the amount of success that he has. Anyway, I knew that on the last day of 8th grade I was going to be a middle school music teacher because of his influence. So lately he has been feeling a little run down and I just wanted to remind him that what he does is important. It was just as important then to a very awkward middle school  girl as it is now to a very awkward middle school music teacher.

4. Bought and took supplies for church mission project
               Again, hygiene kits

5. Welcomed a new staff member with a "Congrats" note!
             I was really happy to hear that this particular person got a replacement job within our school. He is going to do fantastic things in the program that he applied for. He will need lots of training, but this will be a great year for him. A wonderful addition to our school!

5 Pennies - Day 74

1. Bought a table mat of a favorite football team for another teacher
                It is September and in the area that I teach, it really only means one thing - FOOTBALL. This particular teacher really loves this sport and a particular team. When I saw it in the grocery store the other day, I knew that it was her -yes, this particular math teacher loves the Ravens - purple and gold baby! Although my son asked me why I was buying football stuff - I replied that it was for another teacher. He then said - oh, I approve then! Funny kid.

2. Moved chairs closer for discussion at a teacher meeting
              Have you ever been in a meeting where you feel that you are left out of the mix? Think about where you were sitting or how the chairs were arrange. King Arther had the 'round table' for a reason - so that everyone was included. At my meeting, I wanted to make sure that everyone felt that they were included -  that they felt free to agree and disagree on topics. They they were actively participating in adding suggestions and looking for potential problems. Everyone is welcome!

3. Helped another teacher how to do a workout move
          So I am not saying that I am a kickboxing queen - but I will say that I do enjoy the activity and I am getting better at the exercise. There is this one move that takes more coordination then actual strength to complete - it is called "The Star." Basically you have to move your body a particular way, have your hips and side lined a particular way, and move your arms to block a particular way. So again, there is no hitting or kicking - but the object is to block from different angles with a lot of coordination. The one other teacher that I was working out with kept on getting confused on the body position, which would let her do the other to movements. So I broke down the exercise slower than what was on the DVD and walked her through it step by step. She was beginning to get it. Ahhh - my first workout student!

4. Disinfected another teacher's chair and computer area
           She hasn't been feeling good for the past couple of days - a light cold she says. Well, even if it was a downpour of a cold or just a spritz - a good disinfection of the computer and the surrounding area is something worth wild in doing. At least, it gave this OCD person peace of mind and heart.

5. Returned abandoned cart at grocery store
             It still amazes me with the amount of carts that are just left in a parking lot. Maybe these objects have legs and are secretly trying to escape!

5 Pennies - Day 73

1. Bought a college sports team lanyard in an Administrators mailbox
               I really respect all Administrators - they have a tough job because they deal with a lot of problems that we as teachers often don't see and don't know about. This particular Administrator mainly focuses on discipline at school. However, at home apparently he is a very loving father to two children. One of his favorite things is to take his son to Maryland University to watch soccer games together. So although he didn't graduate from Maryland University, he has a special place in his heart for the "Fighting Terrapins." I don't know which I respect more from this particular person - that he really tries to work with the needed discipline youth at school or that he loves his children and plans special events with them.

2. Went and did some extra research for another teacher so that he was better prepared for a meeting
             Sometimes no matter how hard you try, you are never fully prepared for a meeting. I find this frustrating because I like being prepared and I must admit that I am a perfectionist. I see not being prepared as my 'Achilles Heel' or my 'Kryptonite' in my strive to be super-____________ (fill in the blank with teacher, woman, mother, person, etc.). However, as much as I don't like asking for help - I know that there are times that I must. That is the perfect opportunity for someone else to step in and help. Simple.

3. Wrote a "Thank You" note to those teachers that proofread and suggested improvements to a grant that I was writing
               This grant is a special one because it really isn't to earn money to buy materials for my classroom. The money will be used to fund a community service project that I am putting together for my 8th grade students to complete. Basically, the money will help buy food to put together book-bags that give free meals to various elementary students throughout the county that I live in. This is an amazing organization and I would really like to have my students be a part of. Students helping students - such a wonderful thing!

4. Picked up trash while giving my son & dog an afternoon walk
            Easy peasy lemon squeezy - as my son would say.

5. Moved neighbor's trash cans
             So they weren't home yet and they were blocking the sidewalk for other to use. I just simply wheeled them up by their side door - the place that I have noticed where they keep them. The neighborhood kids were then able to ride their bikes without going off the path and into traffic. Safer for everyone.

6. Bought son's preschool class apples as a special treat
            Since it is September and "Johnny Appleseed" month, his class was talking about apples. How they grow, different cooking recipes, painting with them, anything and everything with this wonderful fruit. I just wanted to help the teacher by buying an extra bag for her to use in class in whatever project they were working on throughout the week.

Somedays I found it really hard to complete the task of 5 pennies. Either different opportunities didn't appear or I wasn't paying close enough attention. Then there were other days that pennies came as easy and dimes & quarters. So being the over achiever that I am, I am going to start including the extra pennies that I completed.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

5 Pennies - Day 72

1. Got stepfather a cup of coffee
               He has been working really hard lately in putting together a new building for his work. Really long and strenuous hours. I just wanted to do something nice for him.

2. Brought in supplies for church mission project
              Again health & hygiene packages. For an OCD person to share/educate the joy and cleanliness of this topic - yeah, it is more than just a mission project!

3. Cleaned in technology room
             I noticed that there were some sticky stains on the table by the main computer. So I started to clean that up and then noticed that the keyboard was dirty - and so I started to clean that up - then I noticed that the monitor was dirty - and so it continued. One of my favorite smells is bleach - because that is the smell of cleanliness :-)

4. Wrote an encouraging card to teachers at a private school
            So the church that I attend also hosts a private Montessori school inside the Worship building. Please understand that the church and school are not affiliated - just location related. Anyway, I have always loved the theories behind Maria Montessori - with letting the child chose their education, the different colors of the letters, the peace rose - so many good things here that regular education can learn from. It's the beginning of the school year and I wanted to wish the teachers and staff good luck and all.

5. Helped clean up the Nursery after children left for Sunday School
           The nursery keeper is a wonderful lady that does such a great job with the kids. I noticed that she was there by herself putting away all of the toys after all of the kids had left. So my son and I helped her so that she could get done quicker and have more time to herself. Again, she is a great lady! One of the few people that my son feels truly safe around. Amazing what you can learn from kids by just watching their body language.

5 Pennies - Day 71

1. Picked up trash in Pediatrician's parking lot
                    Just to keep things nice and clean for others

2. Let other people cross the street when other cars wouldn't
             There is a fine line with this pedestrian topic that I often wrestle with while driving - when do you stop and when do you go? I thought that it was common law in where I live that all pedestrians have the 'right a way' when it comes to crossing the street in front of vehicles. However, does this apply to people crossing the street and not using crosswalks - I thought that this would be considered "Jay Walking", which is then illegal in where I live. Also, if a car stops for pedestrians and creates a line behind them of other cars - then wouldn't that possibly violate the law that prohibits obstruction of traffic. As you can tell, I am deeply confused with this topic.
              So I watched this mother and her son wait on the corner as the other cars continued to pass them by. Oh well, I became a rule breaker or a rule support - still confused - and flagged the woman and her son to cross in front of me. However, I didn't not cause much of a pile up behind me.

3. Gave my lunch to my stepfather for him to enjoy
            He is a big Penn State football fan. No he didn't go to Penn State, nor did he play for 'Joe Pa' - but still really likes the team. I wasn't really all that hungry for the sandwich that I bought while I was out and about with my son, so I gave it to him to eat while watching the game.

By the way - The team lost, but the sandwich was good.

4. Sent an e-card to a friend congratulating her for her new pregnancy
              I have a dear from from college that I do not get to see or speak to as often as I would like. Sometimes in the summer when we both have a little more of a relaxed schedule my son plays with her kids (her kids - daughter of same age and son of younger age). Anyway she recently sent me an email saying that even though it wasn't planned, her husband and her are glad to announce that they are expecting child number #three. Any child - planned or not - is always a welcomed joy! She grew up in a family of nine kids, while her husband grew up with just one other brother. Apparently, her husband is over-joyed with the expanding family while she is very hesitant - ironic!

5. Sent another e-card to a friend's child wishing her a belated birthday
              I really like to acknowledge children's birthdays because it is more special to them than anything else in the world. So I was a bit disappointed in myself when I completely forgot this birthday and knew that I had to make an attempt to 'make it up' some how. This was the best way that I knew.

5 Pennies - Day 70

1. Bought decorated push pins for another teacher
           So one of my favorite teachers was talking about how she needed to get some more push pins for bulletin board - needless to say that she is more than a bit OCD like me. In fact we keep joking that we are going to get this shirt that says on the front "CDO" and then on the back it says "because the letters have to be in order." Anyway, she has been working really hard on various projects in regards to a committee at school that we are on together. I just wanted to do something nice for her and so decorative push pins it was.

2. Cleaned tables for lunch assistant
           Again, if I make myself useful during lunch duty time - it makes the shift go by quicker, it helps the elderly woman with her work, and it provides the students in my school a clean place to eat. In a way, I think that it is good for my students to see me clean. It models a sense of respect towards them - I have noticed that if they see me clean, then they start pick up more trash themselves. They are beginning to understand that it is everyone's responsibility to help keep the school clean. It's really a win, win, win situation!

3. Complimented another student based on her shoes
             So I have this 'wild' student that loves colors. She just had to buy and wear these sneakers that glow in the dark because they are florescent green and pink. Personally, I would have never bought these shoes for myself. However, I complimented her because she is so confident in who she is and oddly enough can really pull off these shoes. I think that it is really good - especially adolescent females - to hear compliments. During a time of self-esteem and self-confidence questioning, they need to hear that it is good and applauded for them being different and unique.

4. Gave up my lunch time to privately work with another student
           So I have a beginning band student that needed some extra help on her music because of an up coming playing quiz. I really want to see her do well and so if she is going to give up her time - then I need to give up mine. Besides, I can grab something quick between classes.

5. Wrote a thank you note to another teacher for continuously updating the Homework Hotline for our team
               Homework Hotline is a phone system that we use here at school where the teachers can briefly talk about what the student is expected to do at home or what they missed if they were absent. Just another form of communication to the parents and families. So there is a particular teacher on my team that has always volunteer to put this information on the system. I takes about 5 minutes to complete, but it saves everyone else loads of time. I just wanted to say thank you because it is one of those 'jobs' that often gets overlooked.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

5 Pennies - Day 69

1. Bought gourmet coffee in another teacher's mailbox
               So at church, we sell this gourmet coffee that all the proceeds go to an organization that gives money to different places in Africa. It is call "Coffee with a Conversation." There is another teacher that really likes flavored coffee and I wanted to do something nice for him - no particular reason why, just because.

2. Picked up trash in the school hallway
             I like the fact that our school is kept very clean. It shows a sense of respect to the students, faculty/staff, and parents - basically anyone that comes into our building. The custodians do a fantastic job in keeping everything nice, but I believe that it is also everyone's responsibility as well. I just want to do my share in helping.

3. Wrote a thank you note to another teacher for helping me with a teacher conference problem
             So yes, I was also invited to present at the National Middle School Association teacher conference this November in Baltimore. However, since I was selected late - I do not have a hotel room to sleep in for the trip. So another person that is attending the conference said that I can room with her. This was really nice because I didn't want to spend the time in my Jeep.

4. Picked up trash in the grocery store parking lot
           Similar theory to 'penny #2' - it is everyone's responsibility to keep this earth and specific locations clean for everyone else to use.

5. Pushed back an abandoned motorized cart
             Ok, so this is sort of a team effort of a 'penny.' An elderly man left the motorized cart on the corner/curb while his son swung around his care and picked him up - thus, leaving the apparatus there. If you have never moved one of this things before, be prepared in needing someone else to assist. For me, I needed 2 other people because it kept on getting caught on the welcome rug. To quote Ringo Starr, "Have a little hep from my  friend.s"

5 Pennies - Day 68

1. Made a cd of Elvis music for another teacher
                There is this truly gifted ELA teacher in my building that absolutely loves Elvis Presley. I am currently planning on doing a unit with my music students based on him, his background, his music, and his influence on later popular musicians. So I made a cd of my own of his most popular music throughout his lifetime to use in class. Knowing that she enjoys him so, I simply made an extra copy for her.

2. Cleaned up my room and gathered my own trash for the custodians
                    Tonight they were missing an extra person that helped cleaned the rooms in my area. If we all worked together, it eases the amount of work for others.

3. Complimented a student's hair
                So I have a very simple and basic hair cut. It is mostly brown and sometimes debates with itself if it wants to be straight or wavy on any given day. However, this student was adventurous - she cut her own hair! It is this cut little bob haircut, and she has these beautiful ringlets of curls - it is really an interesting haircut that only she can pull off. I just had to say something.

4. Talked to a teacher about her interest with homeless horses
             So I was listening to the news this morning about how there was a recent fire at a local horse farm and there were several horses that were now homeless. I don't know much about this particular teacher and actually normally try to avoid her in the hallways, meetings, and such. But I do know that she likes horses. So I took a deep breath, stepped out of my anti-social box, and struck up a conversation with her about this news article. We spent about 15 minutes talking about this - well, she mainly talked and I just listened. 15 minutes! In this one penny we talked more then collectively in the past 10 years. I really learned something from her today, be passionate about something.

5. Bought cookies for son's Godfather because has had a couple of rough days at work
           We had church tonight and I knew that he would be there. He just needed a pick me up and chocolate chip cookies are his favorite - isn't that true with just about everyone?

5 Pennies - Day 67

1. Made brownies for coworkers who chose to work on their day off.
                  Today was election day so technically schools were closed. However, my school was open because they were using the facility to manage the town's election. So since my school was open, there were several of us staff members that decided that it was just a normal work day - but without the students. Personally, I was able to get a lot of copies made, files situation for my next teaching unit, and several aspects of my room cleaned - all things that I would not have been able to do if I had my regular classes. So to treat those that came in on their time - they got a brownie. Sometimes, food feeds more than just stomach - it feeds the heart & soul too.

2. Returned laminated materials to the art teacher
                So while I was making copies, I noticed that there were some materials that were laminated of the art teacher's. She has this really cool activity where the students draw a portrait of themselves, then they make a design out of it, and then they make that into a box. Anyway, several of them turned out nice enough to keep for future use. They were laminated, but not returned yet to the teacher. Sometimes in my school if you do not pick up your laminated materials quickly, within a day they sprout feet and go off walking never to be heard from again. Knowing that the art teacher wouldn't want this of her students' work, I had some extra time while the machines were copying, so I walked the materials down to the art room and placed it on the work table. Simple.

3. Returned abandoned materials from copier to Social Studies teacher
              I didn't know exactly who these originals & copies were from, but knew that they would probably be important to have. So I just put everything into the teacher mailbox of the head of the Social Studies Department.

4. Bought a special candy bar for a teacher that just returned from a surgery
            Although I don't know this teacher that well, I was glad to see her back in the school and that she was recovering nicely. She decided to return today without the students to get caught up on paperwork that she missed while she was out. I know that when I returned from my Maternity Leave a few years ago, it felt like it took me a good 3 months to get caught up on various paperwork. Don't get me wrong, I loved my long term sub and she did a super job, but just me getting back into the swing of things to a really long time. It was very hard to come back to school because I wasn't that close to anyone. Somedays I even questioned why I returned at all - there were two really close teachers that helped me along and a few chosen students that made life brighter. I was very thankful for them. Anyway, for this particular teacher - the candy was just my dorky way in welcoming her back.

By the way - it was a 'Kit Kat' bar - you know, reminding her to "take a break" every once and awhile.

5. Re-hung up student artwork in the hallway
             With all of the traffic of the hustle and bustle of the election voters, some of the hallway artwork was knocked down. Simple thing to do - hang it back up.

Monday, June 20, 2011

5 Pennies - Day 66

1. Gave flowers to custodian wishing her a good day
             So this particular custodian is extremely smart. She is one of the few people at school that saw me and knew that I was handing out small presents (pennies) to other staff members. Well, not knowing her a lot except that she like coffee and chocolate - I approached her up front and asked her what special treat she would like the most. She simply said: flowers. So for sometime I have been meaning to get her flowers because she has been working so hard with the back to school nights. However, things never worked out. Finally I was able to get her some flowers - but the only reason that I could think of was, "Have a good day!" Simplicity.

2. Got water for presenters at school
               We had special guests at our school today to do a wonderful video presentation about character building. I over heard the one ask the other if they remembered to pack the extra water. From the sound of it, it was a no. I knew where there was some extra water in the building that wasn't being used, so this was an easy request to fulfill - even if they didn't physically asked.

3. Helped Administrative Intern take down bus forms from the hallway
               They have been up for over a month and basically all of the kids know what buses to use. I saw him do this task and automatically started helping - it didn't even register with me what exactly he was doing except for the fact that I was going to help him. We finished the task much quicker than what he would have been able to if he did it by himself.

4. Picked up student paperwork/project that feel down from the wall of another classroom
            As a kid, I always enjoyed seeing my work posted. It's like a unique sense of gratification - your work is good enough to be posted and shown to others as an example. Like invisible golden stars. Anyway, I didn't want these students to feel a twinge of regret in seeing their highest quality work on the substandard floor. It was the very least that I could do.

5. Thanked the presenter for introducing his partner as his "beautiful wife"
             It was such a cute moment. These small gestures of love that are often forgotten after years of marriage and regular life that has consumed every aspect of you and your partner. But even moreso -this presenter publicly said these 'lovelies' outloud and to a room full of teenagers. He did it with such style and grace that was unparalleled to any thing that I have ever seen before. This guy became my  hero for the day :-)

5 Pennies - Day 65

1. Got the lead singer a cup of water prior to the church service
             Prior to the service starting, she made the comment that she could feel fall coming because she felt her allergies starting to kick in. I hate feeling this way. I have both fall and spring allergies - but my spring allergies are far worse. Getting a cup of water for someone else - it was just something easy to do.

2. Helped other parishioners pass out the Bibles during the service
                Again, just helping someone else enjoy the worship experience better

3. Picked up food that was knocked over at the supermarket
              In an earlier post, I talked about how it was just something easy to do to help the stock workers. I still stand firm by this statement.

4. Bought son special Cotton Candy for a Halloween as a special treat
            So my son loves candy - but what 4 year old boy doesn't? I try to limit his candy and junk food intake daily, meaning that he has to eat a good meal (like lunch or dinner) in order to get a 'special treat'. My son especially loves Cotton Candy - again pure sugar in different colors. But this time the Halloween Cotton Candy was in orange - I've only seen it in blue & pink - but Orange - wild! And yes, my son went crazy for this! (But only after he had a good dinner.)

5. Called Grandparents to wish them a Happy Grandparents day
           Anyone that knows me know that I have an issue with the phone - I don't like it and rarely use it. Ok, I know that this makes me sound extremely weird - and yes I am - but still I hate using the phone. However, knowing that I have limited time left with my Grandfather - I owed him this at the very least.

5 Pennies - Day 64

1. Picked up and rehung clothes that someone else accidentally knocked down at a clothing store
                  When I was in high school, I spent some of my part time working experience at a local grocery store and other part time working experience at a clothing store. Knowing that when I was about to tidy up my area, regardless if it was restocking shelves with food or straightening up hangers with  clothes, it was at the same time that customer arrived needing assistance. So presented two tasks that I needed to take care of immediately. If I chose cleaning up my area instead of assisting the customer, I later had my boss scolding me for not putting the customer first. If I chose assisting the customer instead of cleaning up my area, I later had my boss scolding me for how unprofessional the items looked. After awhile it seemed liked I could never win when it came to this situation. So whenever I see clothing items on the floor or a bread shelf that needs tidying up - I just simply straighten in order to help the stock worker out.

2. Gave my closer parking spot to another person, who later I found out had a baby with her
                So as I was pulling into the parking outside of a store something in me said, "Wait - not this space - give it to someone else." And so I did. I put my Jeep into reverse, pulled out, made a loop around, and parked at a further spot. At first I was pretty sure that the car behind me was confused, perplexed, and maybe even a little angry that I wasted 2 minutes with this decision. However, as I walked through the parking lot, passed my original spot, and into the store - I noticed that I gave up my spot to a woman who was carrying a small baby - then things sort of melted away. It was a nice moment.

Note - It is healthier for you to park slightly away. Good for the heart that you gave it to someone else, but also good for the heart because it gives you some extra time to walk and exercise.

3. Cleaned up the patient's room at my son's doctor's visit
               This was a check up on a previous visit - but the same intent was there. I really do respect my son's pediatrician and the facility. Normally they keep it extremely clean, but every once and awhile there is a storm of sick kids that comes blazing throughout the day. To keep things constantly tidy is next to impossible with the amount of traffic. So just to help out, I straightened the magazine racks, the chairs, the freebie area, the extra newspapers, and such. It was also a great way to spend some extra time while waiting to be called to be seen by the doctor.

4. Bought some extra supplies for the church's fall mission project
              Since the project with the book bags are done, it is time to start another mission project within the church. This time it is putting together adult personal hygiene care kits. So instead of giving money during the regular service offering time, I spend the money on purchasing items and supplies for this mission project. I am sure that God likes all gifts - regardless of any shape or size.

5. Sent Grandparents an extended letter for Grandparents day
               I have a very ill grandfather - in fact the doctors has told us his family that he is terminally ill. Even knowing this news himself, he doesn't care. He knows that he has lived a very long and plentiful life full of experiences and love that he does not regret. He is an amazing human being. So knowing that this will probably be his last official recognition day, I wanted to make it extra special for both him and my Grandmother.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

5 Pennies - Day 63

1. Gave the Administrator Intern a 'Blue Push Pop'
              He had this wonderful idea of promoting school spirit by hosting a blue friday - we are the Warriors and are basic colors are blue & white. He doesn't eat much junk food, but does have a very cute little girl that I'm sure that if he didn't want it - she would gladly take it. I just wanted to thank him, but in a creative dorky type of way.

2. Opened the door for another teacher who was carrying in materials
              Anytime that you have the opportunity to be considerate and polite - take it! I'm always trying to teach my male students that this is show of respect towards females. But then I also make my female students repeat the gesture as well - because they need know what respect looks like and feels from different perspectives.

3. Wrote encouraging notes to other teachers and staff members after a rough parent meeting
               I had to sit in on this meeting and yes it was very uncomfortable. However, we as staff were able to get through it - together. With this note, I also included a little piece of chocolate - which is scientifically proven to help the brain, heart, & most importantly the soul.

4. Wrote a thank you note to a teacher who covered my class
            Since I had to attend this parent meeting, I had to have another teacher cover my class. I really hate doing this because I know that teacher plan time is very valuable commodity. The least that I could do is to write a thank you note.

5. Took other teacher's trays back to the cafe
              They aren't going to grow legs and walk themselves!

5 Pennies - Day 62

1. Bought another teacher a cup that had her favorite football team decorated on it & filled it with candy
              I have a lot of respect for this particular teacher because of how she runs her classroom. She is extremely tough on the students, but completely fair. Not only does she teach them about science, but she teaches them about life skills such as deadlines, organization, and hard work. At first many of the students and their parents are intimidated by her - as they should be - she is an extremely hard teacher. But as hard as she is, she prepares them completely for high school and life. However, recently she has received many parent complaints and has had to constantly defend herself and her program. I just wanted to give her something to let her know that someone thought that she was doing a good job - great even!

2. Gave the secretary her favorite can because she was able to fix a problem that she was having for the past several days.
                Even though I really didn't understand the problem or how she fixed it, I was happy to see that she was able to solve it. She needed the extra congratulations!

3. Wrote a thank you note to another teacher for greeting the students every morning.
              There is a really great teacher that stands in the middle lobby area of our building every morning to greet and wish every student a good day. For some of these students, this smile is the best thing that they will see the entire day. The wonderful about this teacher is that he is rarely absent - so many of the students look forward to seeing him every morning. Another great thing about this teacher is that he does a similar activity at the end of everyday to wish every student a good afternoon / evening. Just these little things make all the difference. I just had to say thank you.

4. Gave my parent meeting paperwork to another parent who was late in attending the evening meeting.
            I basically knew what the meeting was going to be about, so I really didn't need the visual agenda. I try my best in not being late to meetings because I know that what is going to be discussed is really important, but sometimes it is unavoidable no matter how hard we try. So when this parent entered late, completely flustered about what happen at her home, and there wasn't any papers for her to follow along with - well, you could tell by her body language that she was distraught. By giving her my papers, it was just a simple way to show her that I cared.

5. Used a sanitize wipe to clean the self service area at the grocery store.
            Any touch screen machines can never be too clean and rarely is cleaned. There are commercials now about using the sanitize wipes for the shopping cart handles, but if you have the opportunity to also wipe the touch screen machines - please do so - speaking like a true OCD person.