Sunday, April 22, 2012

5 Pennies - Day 246 Recovered

1. Took a picture for a couple at the zoo
                   It was so nice over Spring Break - the weather was truly amazing! So the one day I took my son to our favorite zoo about an hour from where we live. Its a great little zoo and we normally go in the summer time. However since it wasn't burning hot and newly opened for the season, we actually got to see some of the newer animals and babies. My son loved the alligators, giraffes, and flamingos, but his favorite were the baby monkeys! Anyway, there was a young couple that were leisurely walking through the exhibits and every once and a while would take a picture of each other - solo. After observing this a few times, I finally went up to them and asked if they would like me to take a picture of both of them. They were so thrilled because they rarely have a picture where they're both together. It was a really nice moment. The funny thing is that they smoothed each other's hair similar to the tigers taking care of their cubs in the exhibit :-)

2. Bought another staff member special candy
                 So I overheard another staff member talking about how they are looking forward to the summer time because he and his wife will be visiting Sweden. Wow! He has been really nice recently by buying all of the other staff members ice cream. So I figured that he deserved someone being nice back to him. I was at the supermarket and it hit me - "Go to the candy isle and get 'Swedish Fish." These funny little things crack me up.

3. Sent my Angel a card
                   I don't have much contact with my Angel client, but I do hope that she is doing ok this Easter Season. Sent her a card letting her know that I was thinking only good thoughts for her. Its a great program through the local Breast Cancer Awareness division, where you become a writer to someone who is going through various treatments. Anyway, happy spring!

4. Let another car turn in front
                     I was finishing up at the mall and my son and I were getting ready to go home. We were coming out of the parking area when I noticed that there was another car trying to make a left turn, but couldn't because she couldn't see if the other lane was free. So I paused in front of her and waited till I saw the free lane, quickly I waved her across. It was just a few minutes of my time to help her  - who knows how long she was sitting there.

5. Helped and talked to an elderly neighbor
                    This afternoon I was giving my dog a good long walk around the neighborhood. On days that are nice outside I tend to walk him at least 1.5 miles - he takes a brief nap afterwards, but then is ready for another. Anyway, I noticed that up from my house an elderly lady was pacing on the sidewalk. She seemed to be upset so when I approached her I asked if she needed anything. She was upset that the other neighbor did something to her sidewalk and it made her lawn looked ruin. I didn't even noticed the sidewalk, but quickly pointed out that her flower bed around her door was extremely pretty. She smiled and thanked me for the the compliment. I guess the sidewalk didn't mean that much after seeing something good.

Here's a cool song from Mercy Me-
The Generous Mr. Lovewell

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