Saturday, July 2, 2011

5 Pennies - Day 98

1. Bought mother a pink reusable grocery bag to use for Breast Cancer Awareness Day
             So the reusable grocery bags - whoever thought of this - I applaud you greatly. Not because it is a gimmicky way to save the Earth, but these bags can be used for everything. I personally carry extra clothes and toys, snacks, and other bits and pieces in one that I keep in my car. I have another one that I carry stuff back and forth to school with teacher stuff. And yet another one that I keep a lot of my craft stuff in it. Ok, so I use these reusable grocery bags for everything but actual groceries. However, my mother does use them for groceries! Anyway, today is National Breast Cancer Awareness Day - so when I saw a sale on these - I thought that she would like one.

2. Picked up some baby toys that were dropped in the food court area
           So have you ever seen that mother that looks like she is trying to handle life on about 3 hrs. of sleep? She hasn't had 20 min. to herself yet in the day? She has barely touched her lunch? And just when she finally gets to sit down to take a bite, her kid decides to fling their toys in several different directions. Ok - so maybe you haven't seen this mom - but I was her and take empathy when I see those that are like that now. When you do happen to see this mother, simply help pick up the toys - it gives her some extra moments a kindness. Also, remember to smile.

3. Threw away trash and put back tray for another person
          Sometimes it is easier in life to just be nice to someone you don't know. Warning, make sure that you ask the person if they are done before throwing away trash. If you throw away the trash too early - they can and often will get upset - just trust me on this personal experience. Also, don't wear Khakis and a blue/red shirt - people then start to think that you are a worker and start giving you their trays to automatically clean up.

4. Bought extra present for another child
              So my son was invited to a birthday party. The thing that I feel the most disheartening is giving a present to the birthday child, while their sibling just stands there and watches. The face of the other child kills me - like, "What about me?" add the puppy dog eyes. Anyway, I got the birthday child a nice present and the other sibling a little something so that they would feel special too.

5. Gave a bag of candy to bank tellers
            Just wanted to treat them with something nice. They stand on their feet all day. Touching and counting other people's money - eeewww gross, very germie - I'm ok, it's just my OCD. Anyway, I always had a fear that the first day that I was bank teller that is when a robbery would happen. So for these reasons, I applaud all bank tellers and especially mine with a bag of Hershey hugs. This is as close to touching that I will get with people.

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