Tuesday, July 12, 2011

5 Pennies - Day 124

1. Gave flowers to nurses
             It was nurse appreciation day at school today - I just wanted to get them something special to show them how much I appreciated all that they do.

2. Took care of students and materials when another teacher left school sick
              Ok, so I am a music teacher and covering for a math class - a little intimidating. But I was up for the challenge and someone needed to step up to help. Besides, this teacher rarely misses school for being sick. So I know that this was truly an emergency and she desperately needed help.

3. Got substitute a cup of coffee at lunch
               So there was a substitute for a teacher that was near me that was just wondering about in the hallway prior to the next class arrival. I first made sure that she had everything that she needed to teach. She said yes, but would love a spot of coffee if I knew where I she could find some. Really? I'm the coffee queen in my school. Of course, I know where this is some - and even if there wasn't any available, I can easily make a new pot within matters of minutes. Easy to help her.

4. Put together new workout folders for exercise group
                So we just finished cycle 1 of P90x - yeah Tony! The group decided to repeat the same program for round 2. Solo chin ups - here I come! So our folders just needed the new paperwork to repeat this cycle over again.

5. Gave another teacher who was note feeling well some comfort items
              A "Get Well" note, bottle of water, and cough drops.
              I hate having a fall cold, it is annoying - not bad like a summer flu though - but still very annoying. I really just wanted to do something nice for this teacher. I haven't always gotten along with her in the past.

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