Friday, July 29, 2011

5 Pennies - Day 130

1. Gave another teacher ice skate ornaments
            So there is a truly special math teacher in my school whose favorite hobby is ice skating. I like to ice skate too, but this teacher can actually do turns and jumps. Not to sound mean, but she is far from the youngest in her skating class. But to be brave and confident and good - wow, she's my 'Ice Princess' hero. Anyway, I saw this ornament and instantly thought of her.

2. Brought in the newspapers for the librian
             It was easy to do. I was walking into school, they were there, & they came in with me. Easy.

3. Wrote a "Thank You" note to a Social Studies teacher for inviting a guest into his classroom
                This particular teacher does such a great job in programming special guest and activities for his students - sort of taking history out of the book and making it real. The students in his class love it and responds to this style of teaching so wonderfully. Such a great asset to our school for the students to have and the other teachers to model.

4. Encouraged another teacher
            So this particular teacher is a personal friend of mine that has recently gone through some personal issues that I feel have greatly lowered her self esteem. I hate seeing and hearing her talk this way because I know the real her - she's a great person. It just seems like she has lost a chunk of her self esteem. So I 'strongly encouraged' her to showcase her students' work to our Administration. Eventually she gave in and did it, which is great because I was going to push her again tomorrow. But what is even better is that our Administration saw her good teaching work & the amazing products from her art students - which reinforced her positive self esteem.

5. Picked up trash from the school hallways
           Just to keep everything clean and help out the custodians. Easy & simple.

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