Thursday, July 28, 2011

5 Pennies - Day 127

1. Bought mother special air car smell scents
            She rarely buys anything for herself - especially if it is frivolous items. I'm not saying that her car smells - it is actually really clean. I just wanted to do something nice for because she does so many nice things for me.

2. Bought step father lunch
           He has really been working hard again at managing the new building for his office in getting done. The deadline is vastly approaching and with this is the stress of getting everything done and approved. So much that many times he forgets lunch - except for today!

3. Tidy up different items at various stores
                I had a boss once that told me that a successful department was a clean department - meaning that all items were correctly put on the shelves in neat piles. I argued back that a successful department would be one that didn't have piles of merchandise - that it would be sold. Needless to say, I didn't last very long at that job. It is ok - I was only 16 and wasn't looking at making this my full time career. However, I did understand that an efficient department was a clean department. I am always trying to teach my kids in school about good organizational skills.

4. Complimented a woman on a dress
           I find it completely frustrating knowing that you have to shop for a special dress for a special occasion. Ok, I'm a horrible shopper. I completely exasperate my friends with this task - to the point where many of them have refused to go shopping with me. Thankfully, I go clothes shopping around 4 times a year (with each season). Anyway, this particular woman was having one of my moments - not knowing how something looked and feeling the verge of a mental breakdown from frustration. I gave her a simple compliment in how nice she looked. Ok, maybe it wasn't simple - she was breath taking.

5. Shopped for a behavior program for the students in my school
            I know that it is Saturday and I do not have to do work related items - but I still do. Ok, I'm a workaholic - but it is for kids, so it isn't that bad - I know that it is for a good cause. Basically, if the students in my school exhibit good behavior, then they get these 'tickets' which they can then use to buy stuff from the school store. My role is to shop for the items and to stay within the budget. I love budgets - they are like deadlines.

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