Sunday, July 31, 2011

5 Pennies - Day 133

1. Gave the cafeteria manager some hand lotion
              You may be thinking to yourself - hand lotion, what's with this gift? Here's my thinking on the matter though. She has to wash her hands a lot because of her line of work- right? And when you wash your hands a lot, you need extra lotion - right? And when you use extra lotion, wouldn't it be nice if was good smelling - right? So I got/gave her vanilla scented - it's a mild scent, but still smells nice. Basically, I just wanted to treat her to something nice today.

2. Wrote a "ThankYou" note to an administrator for presenting a special student assembly to the students about Anti-Bully Techniques.
             I know that it is probably a part of his job, but I also know that he takes pride in his good work. Just like how I like to be told that I am doing a good job in my classroom, I figured that he may want the same thing in return.

3. Helped sort out Fundraiser materials
            So I had an extra class period that was open today because of the Anti-Bully presentation. I figured that my time would be better spent in helping to organize the school fundraiser items. There were already 2 parents and 2 other teachers - so the process went rather quickly because we all worked together. That is the thing that is wonderful about my school, we basically all get along and help each other out because we know that we are a family.

4. Helped clean up the cafeteria
               Ok, so this has become one of my favorite lunch duty responsibilities - wiping down the tables. I know that it helps others out, but it also helps me pass the time during this duty. It also encourages some of the other students to pick up their own trash. Working together to make it cleaner for everyone to enjoy - this is when my OCD is a good thing.

5. Held the door open for people carrying in packages
              I wonder what it would be like to be a UPS person - really. Drive around in a brown van, in a less than appealing ugly brown outfit, delivering packages to adult girls & boys, checking his list twice, charting his course for the next stop - I don't know if he is more similar to Santa Claus or my weird Uncle Frank. Anyway, he was carrying in a couple of packages and didn't have a hand free to open the door. So since my room is right beside the front doors and he didn't look like a terrorist - I held the door open for him and buzzed him through. Sorry school safety rules.

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