So my son received special permission to attend a different school from where he went last year. We are both very excited because it is much closer and a better opportunity for him. Prior to finding out this news, I bought both of us plenty of school supplies - 'Tis the Season! Anyway, after finding out of his acceptance, I also learned that his supplies will be provided for by the school. So needless to say, I had a lot of school supplies that I could not use within my music classroom. Wondering what to do with this surplus, I noticed that my next door neighbor has become very sick again. She has two boys of her own that she needs to prepare for the beginning of the school year. Instantly I knew that our supplies were her's. I bagged everything up and left it on the front step at her house. It wasn't much, but enough to get her kids prepared for the first few weeks of school.
2. Bought snacks for student leaders
So its towards the end of summer and with the sharpening of pencils scent lingering in the air, it is also time to do the 2 day training with our school's student leaders. I know that each year I always think that this year's crew is amazing, but really this year's crew is better than outstanding! So I wanted to treat them for all of their hard work after their two day training and giving up their few last days of summer vacation. I bought them two big trays of chocolate chip brownies from the local grocery store. Enjoy!
3. Helped another parent with her school shopping list
As I was finishing up my list, I noticed another parent literally going around in circles within the isles trying to find everything on her list. She was frantic because her oldest daughter will start attending the local middle school and the idea of different supplies than the usual ones was definitely throwing the mother into a tail spin. It all started with me making the comical remark of, "Its like playing scavenger hunt." And with that being said she choked back tears to try to agree. Working in a middle school, I basically know what my fellow teachers want their students to have and how many. So as I was basically finished my list, I started to help her. The more I explained why her daughter needed a certain quantity and how they were going to be used, the mother seemed to relax more. Soon her list was complete too.
4. Moved a heavy box for another teacher
So a teacher in a nearby room recently had an operation on his eye. He is restricted from lifting certain amounts of weight, which is a struggle when you are starting to put together your room for the beginning of the school year. When I went to ask him a question about an up coming student activity, I saw him about to reach and carry a heavy box. I instantly told him to freeze and moved the box for him. The expression that he gave me at first was much like a child getting caught with their hand in the cookie jar, but then he realized that of his medical condition. I joked with him that it was my 2nd workout for the day :-)
5. Gave another teacher a Trivia postcard
So another teacher in my building loves Elvis Presley. While I was in Tennessee, I kept my eyes open for any little thing that I could buy her that would have something about "The King." On one of the last days that I was there, I saw some different post cards about Elvis' favorite meals & snacks. Of course the one that I bought this particular teacher had the recipe of Elvis' well known Peanut Butter & Banana sandwiches. When I gave her the post card she laughed and said that she would make this for her daughter.
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