Sunday, August 12, 2012

5 Pennies - Day 257 Recovered

1. Helped another runner get a drink
            So I have started to do races. I really don't know why because I am a horrible & slow runner, but I like the challenging and want to get better at this. My overall goal is to someday run a 1/2 marathon - 13.1 :-) Anyway, I did a 5K (3.1 mile) this morning in the hot summer weather. I was really exhausted from the heat and went to get a cup of Gatorade when I finished. I noticed that a younger kid was there fighting with the cooler - he ran quicker than me! Anyway, he wasn't big enough tilt the cooler and get a cup. So I stood to the side and tilted it for him. After a gulp and with a red mustache the kid said thank you.

2. Sent a 'Get Well' card to another teacher
           One of my fitness partners at school had a shoulder surgery the other day. I really worry about him because this is the 3rd surgery in the past 4 years. He is really concerned about his health too. So just a simple card to say that I was thinking about him and wishing him well.

3. Held the Laundry door open for another person
          So I was walking home from Church today because it was a fairly nice day and wanted the extra exercise. Anyway, I noticed that there was a man coming from his car with a big laundry basket and 2 duffle bags worth of dirty clothes. He was heading towards the corner laundry, but I knew that he would have to put something down in order to open the door. I simple went over and held the door for him to walk through without stopping. He looked back and motioned for me to come through too, but I waved goodbye and left him with a puzzled face.

4. Taught a Yoga class at church
            One of the best things that has happened at Church this summer is that they have started a fitness discussion group after service. Each week there is a particular topic that is discussed such as diet, Zumba, and faith. This week it was my turn to lead the discussion - Prayer through Yoga/Stretch. Only a few people stayed, but the ones that did really appreciated my time.

5. Helped an elderly man with a shopping bag
           I was at the grocery store picking up a few fresh fruits and vegetables. As I was headed towards the check out I noticed an elderly man getting frustrate with a produce bag. He couldn't get the silly thing open. From being older, I observed that his hands trembled and the fine motor skills weren't as sharp as they use to be. I leaned over, opened a bag, and handed it to him with a smile. 

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