This particular teacher is doing the Relay for Life event in a few weeks with her kids. I love hearing about these types of things - involving the family to make a difference in the world.
2. Reprieved another staff member from student
This particular staff member is in charge of the in school disciplined students - so needless to say that in my opinion she has one of the toughest jobs in the school. Lately she has been having repeat offenders in her area that have decided to be more disruptive than usual. She is quickly getting burned out from these students. So to give her a break, I 'borrowed' a student from her and had him do his work in my office. Although it was only a 30 minute reprieve, it gave her a chance to calm down and the rest of the students in her area to focus in peace. Instantly her mood changed.
3. Wrote a 'Thank You' note to supervisor
A few months ago I asked my supervisor if he could purchase me a full size keyboard for the music office so that I can use it as a practice studio with my students. I never heard back from him and just thought that it was wishful thinking. Yesterday I was called to the front office with 2 big packages waiting for me! The first big package was the keyboard & the second was a stand to place it upon. I drug the boxes back to the music office and dove into them like it was Christmas morning! Everything is up and put together - so cool! I just had to write him a note in expressing my appreciation.
4. Sent an angel card
I sent my angel card this morning to my patient. Just a simple note saying that I was thinking about her and hoping that she was having a good day.
5. Bought a special cookie for postal worker
It was raining this morning as I went to the supermarket for my weekly ritual of buying groceries. I saw these cool Easter cookies and instantly thought of different people that I know of that deserve a special treat. Instantly I wanted to give it to someone who had to work out in the rain today. I remembered as I was driving into the parking lot that there was one of those corner workers - the one that is dressed in silly outfits advertising their company and they wave to you as you drive past. So I bought the cookie with them in mind. However, when I drove away from the grocery store I noticed that the corner person wasn't there anymore. Maybe they were on a break or decided that they were not going to stand out in the rain anymore. So then I thought about other people that I knew that had to work today in the rain. Like fate would have it, I drove past the mail office and knew that my postal worker would appreciate the simple gesture. As soon as I arrived at home, I clipped the special treat to the mail box.
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