Saturday, February 11, 2012

5 Pennies - Day 222 Recovered

1. Gave Guidance Office a special treat
            This week at school celebrates 'Happy Guidance Counselors' week! These three staff members do an amazing job that keeps are school together and moving in the right direction. Their job is incredibly hard and mentally taxing that each varies from student meetings, behavioral meetings, new student welcome, college readiness, schedule changes, and probably 1,000 of other duties that I don't even know about. So to celebrate how much I appreciate all that they do in the school, I bought them a big triple chocolate bundt cake. Enjoy!

2. Wrote a Good Job note
              Another staff member and I have been working extremely hard on a community service project throughout this school year thus far. Today at school was the culmination of our efforts when we had the students put together the school bags. Thankfully we had enough of supplies to put together 65 bags that had around 15 different school supply items. It was a lot of work and not everything went perfectly well, but at the end of the day we just helped 65 different elementary school kids to have what they need to function in school for the remainder of the school year. This staff member really orchestrated a lot of components to have this project get done so well. She deserved more than just a simple 'Good Job' note - I think that I will make her a special treat for Valentines Day.

3. Gave flowers to another staff member
             Yesterday there was a special ceremony that honored a particular set of students that have earned an extremely high scholastic achievement. One staff member in particular organized this event and facilitates this group throughout the school year. Not only did she look very beautiful for the event, but everything went well from the official membership/swearing in, the different student speeches, and the parent refreshment area. She had her work cut out for her in putting everything together - but it was fantastic. She deserved more than just some simple flowers, but it is what I could provide.
*The cool thing is that being a science teacher, I noticed that she placed the flowers in a beaker of water!

4. Passed a music article to supervisor
              So I admit that I am addicted to reading news clips on and any time that I find something interesting or reminds me of someone, I just have to pass it on. Well my music supervisor is always looking for articles that spot-light the importance of music & performing arts. I was in luck tonight as I read an interesting article about how music can affect the behavioral outcome of many classrooms. Cool - ehh?

5. Sent a student a 'Sympathy' card
             My heart hurts today. Not physically, but emotionally. I found out earlier today that one of my favorite student and family, just loss their father to a 1 1/2 battle with Cancer. Maybe I'm too connected with this family. Like I loved teaching the oldest son and he honored me at his Eagle Scout Ceremony. I currently love working with the youngest daughter now. She reminds me so much of myself. Then the mother is so supportive of her children, music and me. I'm getting too attached to my students. I know.

So when I was driving home today - exhausted from the grind of the students and mounds of work - chilled by the winter and recent snowfall, I really didn't want to go to church service tonight. I was actually hoping that it would be cancelled. It wasn't and I went.

My heart has been heavy all day today because of my feeling towards this student, family, and situation. So when it was prayer time, I did the only smart thing that I could think of - I cast all my cares unto God. Please God, please take care of this family.

Then I had this strange feeling inside - a new thought. The last time that I saw this particular father in decent health was when he was first diagnosed with Cancer - it was at the son's Eagle Scout Ceremony. My hear became lighten somehow. I started to thank God for letting this father have this opportunity to share with his son - to see this important accomplishment - that the son would never have the regret of not having his father see this important goal.
So I sent this family a 'Sympathy' card, just to say that I am thinking/praying for them.

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