1. Wrote a 'Thank You' email to son's teacher
I haven't really thought of the best in my son's elementary school. Maybe it was the fact that my son went to a fantastic preschool and his teacher constantly sent home good notes. Both my son and I really loved her. Maybe it was that this school always had something interesting and completely valued the support and active involvement of the family. I don't know, but I haven't 'clicked' with my son's new school yet. However, his teacher sent home a flyer that explained the different activities that the students will be doing this week to honor Dr. Seuss. This was the first time that my son happily explained his excitement for each event. I was so thrilled to see my son so happy about sharing his educational news and that he looked forward to each day - I just had to send a simple email to his teacher saying thank you for providing such a wonderful opportunity for my son and his classmates.
2. Wrote a 'Thinking of You' card to another student
I've been meaning to write to this student for the past week, but wasn't for sure if it would be appropriate. I made time this evening for her. Unfortunately, she is going through the emotional and mental pain and it saddens my heart so much knowing that she is carrying this burden. Thankfully, she is getting the help that she needs to get her through this turmoil. I know that she is strong enough to come with resilience, but still wanted to express my daily thoughts and good wishes for her.
3. Thanked another parent for her son's music gesture
In a previous penny, I explained that I recently went to a funeral service of one of my student's father that passed away. Tonight I had a meeting with several of my music parents in regards to my program and funding. I just had to speak to this parent directly prior to the start of the meeting and explained in how proud I was that her son played during this funeral service. She too said that she was really impressed by his maturity in handling this musical performance with dignity in regards to the circumstance.
4. Wrote a Good Luck card
So at the music meeting tonight I over heard another parent saying that they are very concerned about music fees - especially next year because she will have two kids of her own involved. On top of that, both her and her husband have been plagued by unemployment during this disastrous economic time. Next year for the high school music students, they are planning a special week long field trip to Disney World in order to participate in special music festivals/competitions. Although I was seriously debating in considering offering to go as a chaperoned, I have realized tonight that my money would be better spent in funding for a student. In this family is a son that works for me Tuesday and Thursday morning, doing various small jobs that keeps me sane. The least that I could do is to offer the parents money for his assistance every so often - but that this would be kept in a separate account for him to use for this special high school field trip. Say hi to Goofy for me :-)
5. Wrote a 'Sympathy' card to another teacher
Another music teacher that I know has recently lost a family member. The least that I could do was to extend my sympathy and let him know that I was thinking about him/his family. He really is a great music teacher and I have a lot of respect for him.
Monday, February 27, 2012
Day 230 Reflection
Grab your mirrors - reflection time!
Then I found this beautiful book-
365 Thank Yous: The Year a Simple Act of Daily Gratitude Changed My Life
John Kralik
I'm half way through reading this book, but absolutely love it! I will not spoil the premise of the book, but just say that his outlook on writing notes have made me appreciate my pennies even more - especially the simple ones.
So, here are three very simple thank yous-
Danny - Thank you for inspiring me to take this journey each and every day. I will never forget this experience, what you have taught me, and what I have learned about myself. You are a wonderful educator.
John- Thank you for writing such a wonderful book. Thank you for sharing your personal story with others. Mostly, thank you for reminding me that simple acts of gratitude are very monumental.
My dearest & closest friend - Thank you for always listening...
5 Pennies - Day 229 Recovered
1. Gave another child money for offering
So my son and I were in church the other day preparing to give money to the offering plate. In my pocket I pulled out $3; kept one for myself for offering and gave one to my son. Therefore, I had $1 left over. I noticed that the friend that my son was sitting with didn't have anything to offer so I simply gave it to him. You should have seen the toothy grin this kid had when he looked at the usher while putting the money in the plate!
2. Wrote a sympathy card to the church secretary
A few months back she lost her father to a prolonged illness and then a few days ago she lost her mother. She is a really nice lady that does so much for the church in keeping the daily business side running, while making sure that all of the bulletins and such are ready for all of the various weekly services. The least that I could do was to express my sympathy and let her know that I was thinking about her/family during this time.
3. Wrote a congrats note to another teacher
Sent an email and a personal note to a math teacher who has been working with a group of students after school. The 'math-letes' recently placed first at a county level competition. Knowing how much time and effort an afterschool group takes to practice, I was so happy that he was able to provide this for the students and beyond pleased that they scored so high. The least that I could do was to express my appreciation and congratulate him for all of his efforts.
4. Wrote a Welcome note to a substituting teacher
In previous pennies I have explained that a current recently had a serious operation and will be recovering for the remainder of the school year. Well, we have recently welcomed a long term substitute to fill in for the year. She is relatively new from college and is taking this opportunity to fully learn how to be a great teacher. The students are really adapting to her and she has quickly learned how to be both tough and compassionate at the same time. More impressively, she likes to work out- which has been a welcome addition to the morning routines :-)
5. Wrote a congrats note to a staff member
There is a cafeteria worker that has recently made some fantastic academic achievements. Although I do not know much about this staff worker or her accomplishments, I am still very much happy that she is still pursuing higher education. What an inspiration towards our students and the her own kids!
So my son and I were in church the other day preparing to give money to the offering plate. In my pocket I pulled out $3; kept one for myself for offering and gave one to my son. Therefore, I had $1 left over. I noticed that the friend that my son was sitting with didn't have anything to offer so I simply gave it to him. You should have seen the toothy grin this kid had when he looked at the usher while putting the money in the plate!
2. Wrote a sympathy card to the church secretary
A few months back she lost her father to a prolonged illness and then a few days ago she lost her mother. She is a really nice lady that does so much for the church in keeping the daily business side running, while making sure that all of the bulletins and such are ready for all of the various weekly services. The least that I could do was to express my sympathy and let her know that I was thinking about her/family during this time.
3. Wrote a congrats note to another teacher
Sent an email and a personal note to a math teacher who has been working with a group of students after school. The 'math-letes' recently placed first at a county level competition. Knowing how much time and effort an afterschool group takes to practice, I was so happy that he was able to provide this for the students and beyond pleased that they scored so high. The least that I could do was to express my appreciation and congratulate him for all of his efforts.
4. Wrote a Welcome note to a substituting teacher
In previous pennies I have explained that a current recently had a serious operation and will be recovering for the remainder of the school year. Well, we have recently welcomed a long term substitute to fill in for the year. She is relatively new from college and is taking this opportunity to fully learn how to be a great teacher. The students are really adapting to her and she has quickly learned how to be both tough and compassionate at the same time. More impressively, she likes to work out- which has been a welcome addition to the morning routines :-)
5. Wrote a congrats note to a staff member
There is a cafeteria worker that has recently made some fantastic academic achievements. Although I do not know much about this staff worker or her accomplishments, I am still very much happy that she is still pursuing higher education. What an inspiration towards our students and the her own kids!
Sunday, February 26, 2012
5 Pennies - Day 228 Recovered
1. Gave cookies to friends
So one of my band students was selling various Girl Scout cookies for their annual spring fundraiser. I'm a sucker and just wanted to help this particular student, she's such a sweet kid. Anyway, my favorite type of cookie is the thin mint - you know, the all chocolate type with the hint of mint inside. So I ordered 2 boxes because my mother loves these too. Little did I know that my mother did the same thing with one of her students. So between us we had 4 boxes of these types of cookies. Honestly, bot of us rarely eat any cookies so imagine the humor that we found. Instantly I knew of two staff members/friends at school that would enjoy these more than I. It was easy to give & the plus thing is that it is less crunches that I have to make up for :-)
2. Held the door for another staff member
Recently there has been a staff member that has been having some health issues with her legs. Towards the end of a meeting, I noticed that she was getting up and going towards her classroom. I am very proud of her because she was using her walker to try to get around and exerting a lot of good energy. Knowing that her steps are slow and concrete, I instantly went to hold the door for her - it was the least that I could do to show my respect.
3. Went to a student's family member funeral
This penny hurt my heart some. I know, I'm too sensitive and I get way too attached to many of my students. But I have known this family for 6 years and have grown to really respect them all. Anyway, about a year ago one of the family members was diagnosed with cancer. As much as this news rocked them, they continued on and supported each other. Recently the afflicted family member passed on. It was the least that I could do to attend the funeral and show my sympathy to this wonderful family.
4. Made dessert for Church Fellowship meal
Yes, it was my Cherry Cheese cake tarts that offered to the meal as a dessert. Enjoyed by all!
5. Bought school supplies for Lenten project
How can you measure the worth of education for impoverished kids? By 30 centimeter rulers, blue and black ink pens, and blunt scissors. A little each week helps :-)
So one of my band students was selling various Girl Scout cookies for their annual spring fundraiser. I'm a sucker and just wanted to help this particular student, she's such a sweet kid. Anyway, my favorite type of cookie is the thin mint - you know, the all chocolate type with the hint of mint inside. So I ordered 2 boxes because my mother loves these too. Little did I know that my mother did the same thing with one of her students. So between us we had 4 boxes of these types of cookies. Honestly, bot of us rarely eat any cookies so imagine the humor that we found. Instantly I knew of two staff members/friends at school that would enjoy these more than I. It was easy to give & the plus thing is that it is less crunches that I have to make up for :-)
2. Held the door for another staff member
Recently there has been a staff member that has been having some health issues with her legs. Towards the end of a meeting, I noticed that she was getting up and going towards her classroom. I am very proud of her because she was using her walker to try to get around and exerting a lot of good energy. Knowing that her steps are slow and concrete, I instantly went to hold the door for her - it was the least that I could do to show my respect.
3. Went to a student's family member funeral
This penny hurt my heart some. I know, I'm too sensitive and I get way too attached to many of my students. But I have known this family for 6 years and have grown to really respect them all. Anyway, about a year ago one of the family members was diagnosed with cancer. As much as this news rocked them, they continued on and supported each other. Recently the afflicted family member passed on. It was the least that I could do to attend the funeral and show my sympathy to this wonderful family.
4. Made dessert for Church Fellowship meal
Yes, it was my Cherry Cheese cake tarts that offered to the meal as a dessert. Enjoyed by all!
5. Bought school supplies for Lenten project
How can you measure the worth of education for impoverished kids? By 30 centimeter rulers, blue and black ink pens, and blunt scissors. A little each week helps :-)
Saturday, February 25, 2012
5 Pennies - Day 227 Recovered
1. Wrote a Welcome Back Card
So there is another teacher at my school that just came back this week from maternity leave. I remember when I started back after having my son - it was a Tuesday and it was an excruciating painful of a day. I was still on about 3 hours of sleep and the heart ache of not being near my baby, but instead to with many misbehaved teens. No words could comfort me - only that I needed to work to ensure that if I I had money for him for college and that things will get better. 6 years later, I'm happy that I made that decision. Anyway, this teacher is feeling the same pains - so to ease this, I wrote a card welcoming her back to work and that everything will get better.
2. Wrote a Thinking of You Card
So there is another teacher in my building that has been going through some massive heath issues. This week she has a major surgery that will take her out of the school atmosphere for the next several months. I pray for her constantly at church and know that the surgery is needed to make her healthier, but still feel compassion for what she has to go through. The least that I could do is to write her a Thinking of You card, include a pack of special pink pencils, and a gift card to a local sub shop for her husband. The very least I could do.
3. Brought in a special treat for others
Happy Fausnaught Day - or as the normal would say 'Fat Tuesday'! This has always been a tradition in my family to eat a Fausnaught to wish us well for the Lenten Season. They are not donuts - they are made from a different recipe, cooked a different, and most importantly symbolize preparing the 40 day journey. I remember making them when I was younger before getting ready to go to school. I was happy to share many containers of them, but what surprised me is how many people in my school didn't know what they were or the tradition.
4. Gave student some lunch
Why do teenage students come to school and decide not to eat lunch? It isn't the question of do they have money for lunch, but more of the question of why they choose not to? Grant it, I was one of these teens. Now looking back at it, it was an unhealthy decision. Anyway, I noticed that one of my students wasn't eating. When I asked her she just shrugged her shoulders. I insisted that she ate something from my snack box that I keep in my office before she went to class. I keep extra snacks in case my sugar gets low, but happily share with my students when they need it.
5. Gave cold medicine to another teacher
He has commented the past couple of days that he hasn't been feeling that great and feels like he is fighting a could. I keep extra cold medicine in my book bag, just in case. I believe I was a boy scout in a former life - always prepared. It was easy to share with him :-)
So there is another teacher at my school that just came back this week from maternity leave. I remember when I started back after having my son - it was a Tuesday and it was an excruciating painful of a day. I was still on about 3 hours of sleep and the heart ache of not being near my baby, but instead to with many misbehaved teens. No words could comfort me - only that I needed to work to ensure that if I I had money for him for college and that things will get better. 6 years later, I'm happy that I made that decision. Anyway, this teacher is feeling the same pains - so to ease this, I wrote a card welcoming her back to work and that everything will get better.
2. Wrote a Thinking of You Card
So there is another teacher in my building that has been going through some massive heath issues. This week she has a major surgery that will take her out of the school atmosphere for the next several months. I pray for her constantly at church and know that the surgery is needed to make her healthier, but still feel compassion for what she has to go through. The least that I could do is to write her a Thinking of You card, include a pack of special pink pencils, and a gift card to a local sub shop for her husband. The very least I could do.
3. Brought in a special treat for others
Happy Fausnaught Day - or as the normal would say 'Fat Tuesday'! This has always been a tradition in my family to eat a Fausnaught to wish us well for the Lenten Season. They are not donuts - they are made from a different recipe, cooked a different, and most importantly symbolize preparing the 40 day journey. I remember making them when I was younger before getting ready to go to school. I was happy to share many containers of them, but what surprised me is how many people in my school didn't know what they were or the tradition.

4. Gave student some lunch
Why do teenage students come to school and decide not to eat lunch? It isn't the question of do they have money for lunch, but more of the question of why they choose not to? Grant it, I was one of these teens. Now looking back at it, it was an unhealthy decision. Anyway, I noticed that one of my students wasn't eating. When I asked her she just shrugged her shoulders. I insisted that she ate something from my snack box that I keep in my office before she went to class. I keep extra snacks in case my sugar gets low, but happily share with my students when they need it.
5. Gave cold medicine to another teacher
He has commented the past couple of days that he hasn't been feeling that great and feels like he is fighting a could. I keep extra cold medicine in my book bag, just in case. I believe I was a boy scout in a former life - always prepared. It was easy to share with him :-)
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
5 Pennies - Day 226 Recovered
1. Helped an elderly lady park her car
She must have been visiting someone in the neighborhood because she wasn't for sure where to park on my street. Bless her heart she was about 50 yards away from a sign that said "Do not park from here to the corner." She was fretting over if she was too close to the sign. Then when I reassured her that she was ok, she started to worry if she was to close or to far away from the curb. She was a cute and very nice elderly lady - just needed some reassurance :-)
2. Donated money to Animal Shelter
So I went and got my dog a hair cut this weekend. He looks a lot better and need to do this more often - my & my son's allergies have also subsided. Anyway, while paying for the grooming, the store had a charity event that sponsored the local Animal Shelter. How could I deny donated any money to this? If everyone just shared a little, then there would be a little more to share with everyone.
3. Sanitize shopping carts
Ok as of now I know of 5 people who have a cold or just getting over one. The crazy weather is not helping things knowing that one day it is warm while then next is back to freezing temperatures. So I figured that after sanitizing my cart, it's just as easy to sanitize 10 more for future customers. OCD :-)
4. Bought items for Lenten Project
So this Wednesday starts the season of Lent. One of the more interesting church seasons because it carries so many emotions with it. Sorrow knowing the Jesus will end on the cross. Joy because he is taking our sins. Wonderment in how he traveled for 40 days and nights. The world itself seems to react to this season with the changes in light (which Lent actual derives from darkness to light), buds sprouting on trees, and temperature instantly changes, and more. There is so much in way of change that goes on during this time. Anyway, this year's project focuses on collecting school supplies for different tribes in Africa - I'm a teacher and how could I resist in this project. So after service this past Sunday I went to the local office supply store. I rarely go there for these types of materials, but something told me that there was the place that I needed to go. Happily I found out that I could buy 2 for 1 spirals - the kind that was on my list for this project :-) There was a limit of buying 10 spirals, but I text other people from church about the deal.
5. Baked Banana Walnut Bread for my Mother
She has had a rough week and instead of taking off on Presidents Day, she had a Professional Development day for her teachers. She bought them breakfast, lunch, and an ice cream dessert. She scheduled various workshop speakers so that her teachers could earn training credits and get paid while doing so. All of this and rarely a Thank You was said. So when she came home from work and saw that there was a special treat waiting for her, she felt loved - of course :-)
Thursday, February 16, 2012
5 Pennies - Day 225 Recovered
1. Made special Valentine Day treats for various staff members
Happy Valentine's Day! Ok, I must admit that I don't get much into this holiday and I will also admit that the colors pink/red annoy me during this time of year. Please don't get me started on my feelings towards a baby cupid. I know that there are those 'Grinch(es)' during the Christmas season, but what would I be called if I didn't get into the Valentine's spirit? Anyway as I ponder about this question, I will say that I do love to make deserts and pastries for the staff members at school. So for Valentines day I made chocolate cherry cheese tarts - yes, I need a better name. Everyone loved them and I was happy to supply :-)
A. 'Anti Vals' - those who hate Valentines Day
B. C3T - Chocolate Cherry Cheese Tarts
2. Returned shopping cart at grocery store
Yes, it was trying to escape - but ha,ha! I was able to stop it :-)
3. Got a church service bulletin for others
Sometimes at the Mid-Week church service there is a van that brings the clients and caretakers from a local nursing home to for the fellowship. I haven't seen them for a while, but thought nothing of it because it has been rainy, snowy, and cold - yeah Winter! However, these special visitors were at the service tonight, which was really nice to see them again. As they were settling down during the gathering music, I noticed that none of the care takers had a service bulletin to follow along with the worship. So after I was finishing singing the praise songs, I got a couple extra and handed it to them. Easy to do.
4. Helped a student with an art project
She was really upset that she didn't get to finished and didn't want to get a bad grade - so after I was finished working with some of the band students that have been preparing music for a Solo and Small Ensemble Festival, I helped her glazed her work. Unfortunately as we worked, the head, right upper leg, and tail fell off. However, we were able to put things back together with some super glue. We shall see if everything turned out ok in the morning.
5. Helped a student with a music test
There was a student in the discipline room, which in the past I will admit that I haven't always gotten along with. Honest, he is an extremely smart kid and can normally defend his thinking with good arguements - but he just makes the worst decisions in life sometimes. Anyway, another teacher gave him a test to complete about the famous musical, West Side Story. He was easily getting frustrated with it and actually politely asked me for help. So I gave up the majority of my lunch time and sat with him until he finished. He honestly knew the majority of the answers, but just needed the verification that he was thinking the correct way. It was a unique 'teacher/student' connecting moment.
*By the way, I love WSS and if you've never seen it, you're missing out on an aspect of American life!
Monday, February 13, 2012
5 Pennies - Day 224 Recovered
1. Gave Homeless Man Food
So while leaving church yesterday, I noticed that there was a homeless man that was going through the dumpster behind the education building. Wow, to live this type of life is beyond me - I just can't imagine. He was collecting both tin soda cans and reminisce of food. So in my nice warm Jeep my son and I had our lunch packed - but I just couldn't believe what I was seeing. Soon I got out and went up to the man. He quickly clutched his earthly belongs - which was a small grocery bag of old cans. I extended to him some of my and my son's lunch. I just couldn't idly watch this. I felt bad knowing that I couldn't provide him any more than what I had. I thought about him a lot throughout the day.
2. Bought church extra coloring books
So at the kids table during the contemporary service, my son has eagerly informed me that the coloring/activity Bible books are just about done. His favorite color by numbers and dot to dot section are finished and there are very little choices left to complete. While I was out yesterday buying him some knick-knacks for Valentines Day, I noticed that the store had these kid church activity books very similar to what he likes. So I bought a few and laid them on the back kid tables for him to do at Wednesday evening service.
3. Gave past Holiday cards to art teacher
I was cleaning up some piles of bits and pieces around the house this weekend, and found two boxes of unused holiday cards. Yeah a donation to the school's art department!
4. Passed along an art article
Again, I was browsing the world of CNN.com earlier tonight and found this wild story about fingernail & design. Immediately I thought of the two art teachers within my school and passed along the information. The coolest thing about this article is the pictures of the nails - crazy!!!
5. Bought special pens for another teacher
There's this really beautiful teacher that assist with students who struggle with math. I'm mean she is absolutely gorgeous and she always looks amazing - head to toe. I really think that she is the most beautiful person that I have ever seen in my life. And she works very hard with the students at school. Lately she has just seemed to losing some of her normal cheerful umph. She has a really tough job and state assessments are quickly approaching. So when I was at the store again yesterday, I noticed this crazy pens that were in the shape of lipstick. I immediately thought of her. Wasn't for sure if she would want them as a silly gift or if she could use them to reward some of her female students. Either - I knew that they belonged to her.
So while leaving church yesterday, I noticed that there was a homeless man that was going through the dumpster behind the education building. Wow, to live this type of life is beyond me - I just can't imagine. He was collecting both tin soda cans and reminisce of food. So in my nice warm Jeep my son and I had our lunch packed - but I just couldn't believe what I was seeing. Soon I got out and went up to the man. He quickly clutched his earthly belongs - which was a small grocery bag of old cans. I extended to him some of my and my son's lunch. I just couldn't idly watch this. I felt bad knowing that I couldn't provide him any more than what I had. I thought about him a lot throughout the day.
2. Bought church extra coloring books
So at the kids table during the contemporary service, my son has eagerly informed me that the coloring/activity Bible books are just about done. His favorite color by numbers and dot to dot section are finished and there are very little choices left to complete. While I was out yesterday buying him some knick-knacks for Valentines Day, I noticed that the store had these kid church activity books very similar to what he likes. So I bought a few and laid them on the back kid tables for him to do at Wednesday evening service.
3. Gave past Holiday cards to art teacher
I was cleaning up some piles of bits and pieces around the house this weekend, and found two boxes of unused holiday cards. Yeah a donation to the school's art department!
4. Passed along an art article
Again, I was browsing the world of CNN.com earlier tonight and found this wild story about fingernail & design. Immediately I thought of the two art teachers within my school and passed along the information. The coolest thing about this article is the pictures of the nails - crazy!!!
5. Bought special pens for another teacher
There's this really beautiful teacher that assist with students who struggle with math. I'm mean she is absolutely gorgeous and she always looks amazing - head to toe. I really think that she is the most beautiful person that I have ever seen in my life. And she works very hard with the students at school. Lately she has just seemed to losing some of her normal cheerful umph. She has a really tough job and state assessments are quickly approaching. So when I was at the store again yesterday, I noticed this crazy pens that were in the shape of lipstick. I immediately thought of her. Wasn't for sure if she would want them as a silly gift or if she could use them to reward some of her female students. Either - I knew that they belonged to her.
Sunday, February 12, 2012
5 Pennies - Day 223 Recovered
1. Participated in the Cycle United event
So I would consider myself fairly fit. I workout everyday, unless I am sick - and I do a variety of programs such as mixing it up between cardio, dance, weights, strength, yoga, etc. Like I've said in earlier penny days - I'm a P90x Turbo gal! So I thought that by doing this event I would have been fine. Wow was I wrong! Although I am glad that I did the 2 hour spinning class that sponsored the United Way, I am so sore from the belly button down. However, I share this soreness with a few other students and staff members that participated in the event too. The coolest thing that I heard after this event was over is that it raised over $40,000! The soreness was worth it :-)
*I saw a shirt the other day that I honestly thought about wearing - "Pain is weakness leaving the body."
2. Got other cycle participants water
So by the third hour and cycling class, I was done - but I still wanted to contribute. I noticed that some other participants were looking for water, but couldn't leave their cycle to get some. I easily went over to the refreshment station got some water and passed it to those that needed it. Simple thing to do to continue to help others.
3. Wrote a 'Get Well' card
There is a lovely language teacher that works at my school that has been having some serious problems with blood clots in her legs. I've never had any, but have been told that they are dreadfully painful. Recently, she had a surgery to have these removed so to alleviate her painful situation. She is doing better, but I just wanted to let her know that someone was wishing her a speedy recovery.
4. Gave a pink flamingo to another teacher
This particular teacher at my school is one of my most unique persons I've ever met. Her sense of clothing style is as colorful as her personality. She is both tough on the students while being completely caring - a true mother to many of the kids at school. Recently she has taken the lead of the special attendance events while the chair person is out on maternity leave. A few days ago she held a special breakfast for those students that have perfect attendance thus far this school year. This is a really good incentive activity for the students, but it does take a lot of planning ahead of time to make things go smoothly. She did a fantastic job in stepping forward to take care of this event for the first time. So when I saw this pink flamingo toy, I thought of her.
5. Shared refreshments to another host
The church that I attend to every Sunday has two services - 8:30 am & 11:00 am. This morning I was in charge of the 2nd after service refreshments. However, I noticed that after the 1st service the host woman was very flustered because she completely forgot that it was her turn to provide refreshments. She was just so frantic and apologetic - a very humbling experience. I baked and bought plenty of cookies, pastries, and fruit that it was easy to share with her. You have never seen a woman so thankful for assistance.
So I would consider myself fairly fit. I workout everyday, unless I am sick - and I do a variety of programs such as mixing it up between cardio, dance, weights, strength, yoga, etc. Like I've said in earlier penny days - I'm a P90x Turbo gal! So I thought that by doing this event I would have been fine. Wow was I wrong! Although I am glad that I did the 2 hour spinning class that sponsored the United Way, I am so sore from the belly button down. However, I share this soreness with a few other students and staff members that participated in the event too. The coolest thing that I heard after this event was over is that it raised over $40,000! The soreness was worth it :-)
*I saw a shirt the other day that I honestly thought about wearing - "Pain is weakness leaving the body."
2. Got other cycle participants water
So by the third hour and cycling class, I was done - but I still wanted to contribute. I noticed that some other participants were looking for water, but couldn't leave their cycle to get some. I easily went over to the refreshment station got some water and passed it to those that needed it. Simple thing to do to continue to help others.
3. Wrote a 'Get Well' card
There is a lovely language teacher that works at my school that has been having some serious problems with blood clots in her legs. I've never had any, but have been told that they are dreadfully painful. Recently, she had a surgery to have these removed so to alleviate her painful situation. She is doing better, but I just wanted to let her know that someone was wishing her a speedy recovery.
4. Gave a pink flamingo to another teacher
This particular teacher at my school is one of my most unique persons I've ever met. Her sense of clothing style is as colorful as her personality. She is both tough on the students while being completely caring - a true mother to many of the kids at school. Recently she has taken the lead of the special attendance events while the chair person is out on maternity leave. A few days ago she held a special breakfast for those students that have perfect attendance thus far this school year. This is a really good incentive activity for the students, but it does take a lot of planning ahead of time to make things go smoothly. She did a fantastic job in stepping forward to take care of this event for the first time. So when I saw this pink flamingo toy, I thought of her.
5. Shared refreshments to another host
The church that I attend to every Sunday has two services - 8:30 am & 11:00 am. This morning I was in charge of the 2nd after service refreshments. However, I noticed that after the 1st service the host woman was very flustered because she completely forgot that it was her turn to provide refreshments. She was just so frantic and apologetic - a very humbling experience. I baked and bought plenty of cookies, pastries, and fruit that it was easy to share with her. You have never seen a woman so thankful for assistance.
Saturday, February 11, 2012
5 Pennies - Day 222 Recovered
1. Gave Guidance Office a special treat
This week at school celebrates 'Happy Guidance Counselors' week! These three staff members do an amazing job that keeps are school together and moving in the right direction. Their job is incredibly hard and mentally taxing that each varies from student meetings, behavioral meetings, new student welcome, college readiness, schedule changes, and probably 1,000 of other duties that I don't even know about. So to celebrate how much I appreciate all that they do in the school, I bought them a big triple chocolate bundt cake. Enjoy!
2. Wrote a Good Job note
Another staff member and I have been working extremely hard on a community service project throughout this school year thus far. Today at school was the culmination of our efforts when we had the students put together the school bags. Thankfully we had enough of supplies to put together 65 bags that had around 15 different school supply items. It was a lot of work and not everything went perfectly well, but at the end of the day we just helped 65 different elementary school kids to have what they need to function in school for the remainder of the school year. This staff member really orchestrated a lot of components to have this project get done so well. She deserved more than just a simple 'Good Job' note - I think that I will make her a special treat for Valentines Day.
3. Gave flowers to another staff member
Yesterday there was a special ceremony that honored a particular set of students that have earned an extremely high scholastic achievement. One staff member in particular organized this event and facilitates this group throughout the school year. Not only did she look very beautiful for the event, but everything went well from the official membership/swearing in, the different student speeches, and the parent refreshment area. She had her work cut out for her in putting everything together - but it was fantastic. She deserved more than just some simple flowers, but it is what I could provide.
*The cool thing is that being a science teacher, I noticed that she placed the flowers in a beaker of water!
4. Passed a music article to supervisor
So I admit that I am addicted to reading news clips on CNN.com and any time that I find something interesting or reminds me of someone, I just have to pass it on. Well my music supervisor is always looking for articles that spot-light the importance of music & performing arts. I was in luck tonight as I read an interesting article about how music can affect the behavioral outcome of many classrooms. Cool - ehh?
5. Sent a student a 'Sympathy' card
My heart hurts today. Not physically, but emotionally. I found out earlier today that one of my favorite student and family, just loss their father to a 1 1/2 battle with Cancer. Maybe I'm too connected with this family. Like I loved teaching the oldest son and he honored me at his Eagle Scout Ceremony. I currently love working with the youngest daughter now. She reminds me so much of myself. Then the mother is so supportive of her children, music and me. I'm getting too attached to my students. I know.
So when I was driving home today - exhausted from the grind of the students and mounds of work - chilled by the winter and recent snowfall, I really didn't want to go to church service tonight. I was actually hoping that it would be cancelled. It wasn't and I went.
My heart has been heavy all day today because of my feeling towards this student, family, and situation. So when it was prayer time, I did the only smart thing that I could think of - I cast all my cares unto God. Please God, please take care of this family.
Then I had this strange feeling inside - a new thought. The last time that I saw this particular father in decent health was when he was first diagnosed with Cancer - it was at the son's Eagle Scout Ceremony. My hear became lighten somehow. I started to thank God for letting this father have this opportunity to share with his son - to see this important accomplishment - that the son would never have the regret of not having his father see this important goal.
So I sent this family a 'Sympathy' card, just to say that I am thinking/praying for them.
This week at school celebrates 'Happy Guidance Counselors' week! These three staff members do an amazing job that keeps are school together and moving in the right direction. Their job is incredibly hard and mentally taxing that each varies from student meetings, behavioral meetings, new student welcome, college readiness, schedule changes, and probably 1,000 of other duties that I don't even know about. So to celebrate how much I appreciate all that they do in the school, I bought them a big triple chocolate bundt cake. Enjoy!
2. Wrote a Good Job note
Another staff member and I have been working extremely hard on a community service project throughout this school year thus far. Today at school was the culmination of our efforts when we had the students put together the school bags. Thankfully we had enough of supplies to put together 65 bags that had around 15 different school supply items. It was a lot of work and not everything went perfectly well, but at the end of the day we just helped 65 different elementary school kids to have what they need to function in school for the remainder of the school year. This staff member really orchestrated a lot of components to have this project get done so well. She deserved more than just a simple 'Good Job' note - I think that I will make her a special treat for Valentines Day.
3. Gave flowers to another staff member
Yesterday there was a special ceremony that honored a particular set of students that have earned an extremely high scholastic achievement. One staff member in particular organized this event and facilitates this group throughout the school year. Not only did she look very beautiful for the event, but everything went well from the official membership/swearing in, the different student speeches, and the parent refreshment area. She had her work cut out for her in putting everything together - but it was fantastic. She deserved more than just some simple flowers, but it is what I could provide.
*The cool thing is that being a science teacher, I noticed that she placed the flowers in a beaker of water!
4. Passed a music article to supervisor
So I admit that I am addicted to reading news clips on CNN.com and any time that I find something interesting or reminds me of someone, I just have to pass it on. Well my music supervisor is always looking for articles that spot-light the importance of music & performing arts. I was in luck tonight as I read an interesting article about how music can affect the behavioral outcome of many classrooms. Cool - ehh?
5. Sent a student a 'Sympathy' card
My heart hurts today. Not physically, but emotionally. I found out earlier today that one of my favorite student and family, just loss their father to a 1 1/2 battle with Cancer. Maybe I'm too connected with this family. Like I loved teaching the oldest son and he honored me at his Eagle Scout Ceremony. I currently love working with the youngest daughter now. She reminds me so much of myself. Then the mother is so supportive of her children, music and me. I'm getting too attached to my students. I know.
So when I was driving home today - exhausted from the grind of the students and mounds of work - chilled by the winter and recent snowfall, I really didn't want to go to church service tonight. I was actually hoping that it would be cancelled. It wasn't and I went.
My heart has been heavy all day today because of my feeling towards this student, family, and situation. So when it was prayer time, I did the only smart thing that I could think of - I cast all my cares unto God. Please God, please take care of this family.
Then I had this strange feeling inside - a new thought. The last time that I saw this particular father in decent health was when he was first diagnosed with Cancer - it was at the son's Eagle Scout Ceremony. My hear became lighten somehow. I started to thank God for letting this father have this opportunity to share with his son - to see this important accomplishment - that the son would never have the regret of not having his father see this important goal.
So I sent this family a 'Sympathy' card, just to say that I am thinking/praying for them.
Sunday, February 5, 2012
5 Pennies - Day 221 Recovered
1. Wrote a "Have a Nice Day" to another staff member
Actually this staff member works at another school and I use to be her children's band teacher when they were in middle school. She is such a wonderful teacher and a great person to know. She is strong in her conviction for the best education for her own kids and the ones that she works with everyday. Anyway, I overheard that her mother is in really ill health and I just wanted to do something nice for her - just to let her know that someone was thinking about her.
I found out earlier in church today that her mother passed away yesterday and this has broken her at the core. I feel so bad for her because she is dealing with this pain, when I know her best as being so strong. So tomorrow I will send her a sympathy card.
2. Bought extra water for students
We had a special music field trip today and the students needed to have an extra bottle of water. Knowing this ahead of time, I bought a big case of bottles just to make sure that the kids were taken care of. Good thing too, many of my students forgot or needed an extra. Glad to provide.
3. Gave breakfast to hungry students
So I had one student who in the midst of getting ready for the special music field trip this morning, completely forgot to eat breakfast! Then I had another student that her sugar level was wavering. Also, I had another student that is always hungry - what do you expect? He's a middle school boy - they eat constantly. So I had some extra protein breakfast bars that I told them to eat. Again, glad to provide.
*I know that the last two pennies seem like a 'mommy' moment. But really, when the students are at school - they become my personal kids for 8 hours. I'm the provider, the counselor, the disciplinarian, the coach, the advocator, etc. Everything that a parent is first and then their music teacher 2nd. I had an administrator once tell me that I shouldn't take things so personally. But really, when I feel like their day time mommy - how could I not take things so personally?
4. Cleaned up the coffee and snack area
So at this music field trip, there was a spread of coffee and pastries for the teachers. I was thrilled that this was provided for us, but soon kept thinking about when I was going to clean it up. Even at 9:30 in the morning, I kept thinking about when would be a good time. So I decided that at precisely 2:30 I would start cleaning everything up: dump the coffee, pour out the creamer, package up the donuts & muffins, sweep up the crumbs, organize the plates/napkins/cutlery, and wipe down the table. The time came & I did - I was thrilled when everything was neat and organized. The other music teachers just looked in amazement. Again, when OCD is a blessing and a curse.
5. Made students a special treat bag
All of the students that participated in the special band concert this weekend has really been working hard on their extra music. I'm so proud of them and the concert went off very well with very little problems. They have all learned so much from this experience that I hope that they will share with others, while applying their knowledge in their regular band class and with their regular band music. So since they have been spending extra time in this experience, I figured that I should make each of them a special treat bag - just to show how much I am proud of them for all of their hard work.
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
5 Pennies - Day 220 Recovered
1. Bought another person a cup of coffee
So I was finished my grocery shopping, but still had about 15 minutes left prior to picking my son up from choir practice. It was fairly cold outside tonight and I also didn't feel that great - I am desperately trying to fight the remainders of this sinus infection that just will not go away. Anyway, I pulled up to a little, but clean gas station. I need fuel for both my Jeep & my mind. So it was a purchase of gas & coffee - of course separate and going to the correct areas. So while I was in line to purchase my coffee I realized that I had a few extra dollars. I looked around and noticed an older guy preparing a cup of coffee for himself. I easily payed for my cup and then told the cashier that I was purchasing the other guy's coffee. After paying, I went up to him and told him to enjoy that free cup of coffee. I left him speechless - he literally didn't know what to say - it was great to see his reaction. Essentially, I made a man speechless over $1.32 :-)
2. Reheated another staff member's lunch
So it was lunch time for me and as I approached the microwave, I noticed that the staff member who just used the microwave had to suddenly leave his lunch to take care of a student problem. As I heated up my soup, I kept an eye on the clock. After at least 5 minutes of heating my food and watching the clock, this staff member didn't return. Although I was done with the microwave, I stuck his food back in for another minute - knowing that his once heated food was now cold. Hopefully, he got back to it and was able to eat it warm.
3. Bought in snacks for a morning meeting
I must admit that morning meetings are not my favorite thing. Ok, I think that it is also safe to say that morning meetings are not other people's favorite things to do either. So I figure that in order to make this at least a little bit enjoyable, I might as well provide snacks for others. Job well done.
4. Bought a cookie for another teacher
So I had a special music ensemble rehearsal tonight - for an up coming concert this weekend. Anyway, while I was quickly grabbing a bagel and coffee to have as dinner I noticed another teacher a ways off grading papers. I didn't know her, but she had that teacher look - hair pulled back, correcting pencil in hand, pouring themselves over student work, vigorously shaking their heads once & awhile - trying to figure out what is being written; and of course the grade book. Anyway, I sort of felt sorry for her. That she was spending her spare moment at a restaurant not enjoying the food - but working & grading. She definitely deserved a cookie break!
5. Helped another teacher with an application
So in a previous penny, I described how I submitted paperwork to honor another teacher at a special event. Well, he was selected to indeed be honored and was asked to submit some additional paperwork. This afternoon he came to me for some advice in how to write his answer. I showed him what I did so that he had a jumping off point in how to construct his answers. I hope that he does well.
So I was finished my grocery shopping, but still had about 15 minutes left prior to picking my son up from choir practice. It was fairly cold outside tonight and I also didn't feel that great - I am desperately trying to fight the remainders of this sinus infection that just will not go away. Anyway, I pulled up to a little, but clean gas station. I need fuel for both my Jeep & my mind. So it was a purchase of gas & coffee - of course separate and going to the correct areas. So while I was in line to purchase my coffee I realized that I had a few extra dollars. I looked around and noticed an older guy preparing a cup of coffee for himself. I easily payed for my cup and then told the cashier that I was purchasing the other guy's coffee. After paying, I went up to him and told him to enjoy that free cup of coffee. I left him speechless - he literally didn't know what to say - it was great to see his reaction. Essentially, I made a man speechless over $1.32 :-)
2. Reheated another staff member's lunch
So it was lunch time for me and as I approached the microwave, I noticed that the staff member who just used the microwave had to suddenly leave his lunch to take care of a student problem. As I heated up my soup, I kept an eye on the clock. After at least 5 minutes of heating my food and watching the clock, this staff member didn't return. Although I was done with the microwave, I stuck his food back in for another minute - knowing that his once heated food was now cold. Hopefully, he got back to it and was able to eat it warm.
3. Bought in snacks for a morning meeting
I must admit that morning meetings are not my favorite thing. Ok, I think that it is also safe to say that morning meetings are not other people's favorite things to do either. So I figure that in order to make this at least a little bit enjoyable, I might as well provide snacks for others. Job well done.
4. Bought a cookie for another teacher
So I had a special music ensemble rehearsal tonight - for an up coming concert this weekend. Anyway, while I was quickly grabbing a bagel and coffee to have as dinner I noticed another teacher a ways off grading papers. I didn't know her, but she had that teacher look - hair pulled back, correcting pencil in hand, pouring themselves over student work, vigorously shaking their heads once & awhile - trying to figure out what is being written; and of course the grade book. Anyway, I sort of felt sorry for her. That she was spending her spare moment at a restaurant not enjoying the food - but working & grading. She definitely deserved a cookie break!
5. Helped another teacher with an application
So in a previous penny, I described how I submitted paperwork to honor another teacher at a special event. Well, he was selected to indeed be honored and was asked to submit some additional paperwork. This afternoon he came to me for some advice in how to write his answer. I showed him what I did so that he had a jumping off point in how to construct his answers. I hope that he does well.
5 Pennies - Day 219 Recovered
1. Wrote a 'Get Well' card
So there is a teacher at my school that recently had a minor surgery done in the past week. I must admit that I have not been the nicest person to this teacher in the past few years, but I am trying to improve on myself by being kinder towards others. If the 5 Pennies have taught me anything, it is this - be kind towards others. Regardless if you like it or not. Regardless if you believe that they deserve it or not. Just be kind. Anyway, I sent her a 'Get Well' card wishing a speedy recovery.
2. Wrote a 'Good Luck' note
So the orchestra teacher and a few of his students have a special concert coming up this weekend. He has been working for this event the past several weeks and I know that it is going to be nice. It is great that he would take his free time to work additional hours in helping his and other teachers' students. I just wanted to wish him good luck.
3. Wrote some 'Good Job' notes to various staff members
Wow - we have had a busy week at school recently. I just wanted to show other teachers how much I appreciate the extra time, energy, & focus that they have displayed on various activities.
- These 'Good Job' notes go to our popcorn making team.
There is a group of staff members that for the past day have been making popcorn for a special reward activity for those students that have displayed good behavior.
- There are two staff members in particular that helped organized a special student/staff Volleyball game for those students again who have displayed good behavior.
These extra incentives for the students do make a difference & it is all put together normally by the same corp of teachers. They rarely get thanked and often get headaches from the stress of the activities - but I just wanted them to know how much I appreciate all of their hard work.
4. Collected breakfast lunch cards
I wasn't for sure if the usual staff member was absent or accidentally forgot to collect these items. Anyway, they were laying all scattered about on a cafeteria table. I didn't want them to get lost before needed them the next day. So I just simply collected them together and returned them to the original staff member's mailbox. Easy to do.
5. Bought school supplies & food for shelter bank
I took these items back to the church to submit in the correct areas. Again, easy to do.
So there is a teacher at my school that recently had a minor surgery done in the past week. I must admit that I have not been the nicest person to this teacher in the past few years, but I am trying to improve on myself by being kinder towards others. If the 5 Pennies have taught me anything, it is this - be kind towards others. Regardless if you like it or not. Regardless if you believe that they deserve it or not. Just be kind. Anyway, I sent her a 'Get Well' card wishing a speedy recovery.
2. Wrote a 'Good Luck' note
So the orchestra teacher and a few of his students have a special concert coming up this weekend. He has been working for this event the past several weeks and I know that it is going to be nice. It is great that he would take his free time to work additional hours in helping his and other teachers' students. I just wanted to wish him good luck.
3. Wrote some 'Good Job' notes to various staff members
Wow - we have had a busy week at school recently. I just wanted to show other teachers how much I appreciate the extra time, energy, & focus that they have displayed on various activities.
- These 'Good Job' notes go to our popcorn making team.
There is a group of staff members that for the past day have been making popcorn for a special reward activity for those students that have displayed good behavior.
- There are two staff members in particular that helped organized a special student/staff Volleyball game for those students again who have displayed good behavior.
These extra incentives for the students do make a difference & it is all put together normally by the same corp of teachers. They rarely get thanked and often get headaches from the stress of the activities - but I just wanted them to know how much I appreciate all of their hard work.
4. Collected breakfast lunch cards
I wasn't for sure if the usual staff member was absent or accidentally forgot to collect these items. Anyway, they were laying all scattered about on a cafeteria table. I didn't want them to get lost before needed them the next day. So I just simply collected them together and returned them to the original staff member's mailbox. Easy to do.
5. Bought school supplies & food for shelter bank
I took these items back to the church to submit in the correct areas. Again, easy to do.
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