Wednesday, January 18, 2012

5 Pennies - Day 216 Recovered

1. Brought in brownies for other staff members
              So my son and I had off on Monday and I decided that it was a perfect time to apply his math skills to a useful activities. The result = three batches of brownies: 2 medium size pans for other staff members at work and a small pan for him to eat if he has good days at school and eats a good dinner. Anyway, one of the pan of brownies was placed in the front office area for everyone who works there to enjoy. The other pan of brownies was placed in the custodial area. We have a few new people that have recently joined our staff. The school looks very clean, the new people work very hard, and they seem mostly pleasant to work with. Its a different change, but I just wanted them to feel welcomed.

2. Gave another teacher a special writing pad
               So the French teacher has been having some health problems lately. She only works part time at the school and then part time at another school, so I really don't know much about her. So while I was shopping this weekend I noticed that there was this writing pad in the dollar bind that was decorated with all different types of French sayings and a picture of the Eiffel Tower. Instantly I though of her and knew that this would cheer her up. So before school this morning I placed in on her desk with a notes saying to have a good day. The interesting thing about this story is that at our morning teacher meeting she announced that she was retiring from teaching this June. So the writing pad was sort of like a congrats gift too.

3. Gave a special cookie to another teacher
                So one of the teachers that I work close with has recently had to take care of her dog from a crucial surgery. To me my dog is my dog, really more like a being that was gotten for my son. Trust me, I take care of my dog and make sure that he is feed, walked, clean, & healthy. But in full honesty, my dog is just that - a dog. However, to this other teacher her dog is her child. So she has been very worried about this issue for quite some time. So while I was at the grocery store this weekend I saw these heart shaped cookies. The one had the saying on it, "You Rock" - which is something I say to her all the time after a successful student activity. So I got it for her and placed it in her teacher mailbox to brighten her day.

4. Sent two congrats cards for various people 
                    The one woman from church just became a grandmother yesterday day to a healthy baby girl - Maddison. Everyone in the family is so excited!
                    The other card went to a former administrated that worked at my school a few years ago. His wife just had their baby this past weekend.
                     Congrats to all!

5. Got a booster seat for another family
                   So my son and I were at a restaurant getting ready to eat when I noticed that another family was looking for a booster seat for their young daughter. They had their hands full of jackets and keeping her pacified. I knew exactly where the seat was kept and easily got them one. Simple thing to do.

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