Friday, August 19, 2011

5 Pennies - Day 167

1. Wrote a "Congratulation" note to son's teacher
                   For some time, my son's preschool teacher has been working towards finishing her Associate Degree in Early Childhood Education. I'm so proud of her because we have had several discussions about why getting this advance training is difficult, but extremely important. Most importantly, she found a sense of pride and self esteem through this process and accomplishment.

2. Let another customer go in front of me at the store
                 I wasn't in a hurry and just wanted to be nice towards someone else. Easy.

3. Gave up a closer parking space to another person
              So I was at the toy store getting ready to pull into a really close parking spot, but something told me no and to park further away - and so I did. Even though it is the holiday time and close parking spots are hard to find in this shopping season, I just couldn't park there. I don't know really what it was, but just a gut feeling like that space wasn't for me, it needed to be used by someone else. So as I was walking into the store, I noticed that the close parking spot that I gave up was now taken by an elderly woman. Yes, this spot belonged to her.

4. Bagged another customer's groceries
               Yes, I asked ahead of time. I remember the good old days of being trained on this skill. Now with everyone stocking up for the Holiday meals - an extra hand in bagging groceries is both helpful to the customer, but also to the other store workers - like the cashier and baggers.

5. Chased down a run away cart
              This cart was bound and determine to break lose from the 'herd' and run off - aiming to plow into another car. So I chased it down. Really it was basically me running through a slight down hill parking lot with my hands flaring about. I knew what I was doing, but I'm pretty sure that I was giving the other customers a pretty good show.

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