Friday, June 29, 2012

5 Pennies - Day 252 Recovered

1. Wrote a 'Welcome Back Card' to another teacher
              Yeah, this particular teacher has been having some issues with her legs and back, thus resulting in some surgeries and at home care. However, today she came back and was in really good spirits. It was so nice to have her back in the building and the kids were excited too. The least that I could do was to write her a 'Welcome Back' card to expressing my sincerity.

2. Bought candy for other music teachers
               I'm so proud of my school's music department. All performing music ensembles did so well at the regional festivals that each were invited to perform at the state festival! This has never been accomplished in my school's history and no other school in my county has all three programs attending. So to do something nice to show my appreciation and support to my fellow music teachers, I bought them each a medium box of chocolates and attached a 'Good Luck' note.

3. Gave an extra box to another teacher
             I know what you are thinking, oh this is lame (which is my son's favorite catch phrase now!) But really it isn't. Here's the story.
             A few weeks ago I happily received a pair of shoes from a friend. These shoes seemed like any other shoe to the regular person, but really they are special because the are TOMS. This company is so brilliant in its philosophy because for every pair of shoes that they sell, they make and give a pair of shoes to anywhere in the world. There are several villages in Africa and Argentina that won't allow the children go to school because they don't have shoes! Essentially, this company is providing the opportunity of education for kids! WOW!!!
              To read more-
              Anyway, I didn't know what to do with the shoe box that the pair came in. It seemed to special and important to just throw away or even to recycle. So I put the box on the shelf in the corner of my office until I could find another use. This morning another teacher came to me asking if I had a medium size box so that she could mail something to another student. Immediately, I thought of this TOMS box and gave it to her. She proceeded to tell me that she found an old phone in the lost and found but the battery didn't work so she didn't know who it belonged to. She took it home and gave it to her teenage son who proceeded to dissect the item, replace the battery, and put it back together. Soon it was working and she found out that the phone belonged to a previous student from last year who actually moved away this school year to another state. She was looking for a particular size box to mail the phone and a note back to this student and family.
                I just knew that this box was meant for something special and to keep on giving.

*If you want to read an really interesting book, "Start Something that Matters," by Blake Mycoskie.

4. Gave flowers to another teacher
                  I was in desperate need to borrow another teacher's classroom because the auditorium was being used for a special presentation. To show my appreciation for letting me use their space, I gave some flowers to this teacher. Easy to do :-)

5. Gave water to student
                 We were outside performing in a parade this weekend and boy was it hot! I was in my staff shirt and jeans marched along with my 150 students throughout the local community. Although the kids performed very well, there was a part of me that felt incredibly guilty because all I did was just walked alongside of them while they played their instruments and marched. So when another parent handed me an ice cold bottle of water towards the end of the parade, I couldn't just drink it alongside of the kids. As soon as the kids were done, I gave it to a percussionist who seemed to need it the most. The best thing was that there was another parent a few steps away that filled their trunk with ice and water, enough for the entire marching band and then some.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

5 Pennies - Day 251 Recovered

1. Bought homeless woman lunch
           My son and I were riding home from shopping for a few items at the mall. On the corner diagonal from the outgoing intersection of the mall, there she stood in the warm sun. From the tired look on her face made it seem that either she was standing there for awhile, drained from undernourishment, or exhausted from the every day struggles of her life. My son pointed her out first, which made me smile because we both had the same idea even before expressing it. I pulled into the local McDonalds and bought some items for her. We walked back, hand in hand, ready to share a penny together. She said thank you and in a brief understandable nod we departed. Mostly in life I am an 'anti-McD's' - however, today Ronald and I are friends.

2. Went to students' baseball game
                Its Spring time and many of my male band students are involved in the various outside activities. I have a set of triplet boy students in my 8th grade band class, each playing a different instrument, but all are so great in their own way. Two of the brothers play on the same baseball team and both eagerly asked me to come and watch their game. I brought my son along too so that he can see this type of sport, although he was more interested in eating french fries and a hot dog. Its ok though because he is doing well in his swimming classes.

3. Bought more shelter items
                We are in between service projects at church since lent is well over and Vacation Bible School is only on the horizon. However, the one on going project is buying various items for the different local shelters. A few days ago it was hygiene things for the women's shelter, today it is shampoo and deodorant for the male shelter. I've spent the past two Thanksgivings in working in homeless shelters and have been opened to this type of need. What we take as granted for dollar/travel items - these can be used by those that are constantly traveling due to no home.

4. Attended a student art show
                 Not only are outside sports activities are in bloom, but several performance based and fine arts programs are giving special showcases. A total of 35 students participated in contributing work towards this spring art show that was held at the city's park gallery. I have nearly all of the participating students within my band program, so it was great to see another side of them. In addition, several previous students that I had in the past school years but are not high school students contributed. It was really great to see how they have matured in their crafts. Finally, it was a great way to show support towards my fellow two art teachers that do a wonderful job with their programs within my school. My son loved the showcase too.

5. Wrote a "Thinking of You" card to another teacher
            This teacher has had a rough past year or so. Tragically her mother passed away on a trip and then she becomes pregnant but with complications. Now that the baby was born, it has been months of  different diagnosis and doctors. I'm constantly praying that things will settle down for her so that she can breathe and enjoy. I just wanted to write a simple note of encouragement and add a small giftcard so she can pick up a quick meal.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

5 Pennies - Day 250 Recovered

1. Bought hygiene items for local shelter
           There's a local shelter that is entirely devoted to helping women and their children move out of an abusive relationship. People that run these types of programs really amaze me. They must have patience and courage stronger than any type of metal, as well as, caring and compassionate hearts warmer than any fire. As my son puts it, "Seriously!" Anyway, the organizers are always asking for some hygiene products for the clients that are in need. Shavers, cream, soaps, shampoo, etc. Simple items that can be bought anywhere and donated with ease.

2. Bought a pair of scissors for another teacher
           I had to talk to the Physical Education teachers about a scheduling problem the other day and needed their advice. In the process of doing this, they were cutting out these new passes that they created to give to the students to earn extra gym time during their lunch. The boy students really get involved with this type of initiative. I overheard the one gym teacher say that she wish that she had better scissors that would make cleaner cuts. So that afternoon, I bought a pair of scissors - pink, so she knew that it was hers.

3. Gave an Earth Day friendly bag to another teacher
              So I went to Target after church yesterday to pick up some items that I can only find there. Anyway in order to celebrate 'Earth Day', the greeter at the front of the store was handing out these simple little Earth Day friendly tote bags. By mistake she gave two of them to me because they were stuck together, which I didn't realize until I was at the cashier and started to put my bought items into it. On the way out, I approached her to hand back the 'extra' tote. She chuckled to herself, told me to give it to someone else, and wished me a Happy Earth Day. Instantly, I thought of the one science teacher that loves her eco-friendly after school club. This morning at work, I placed the tote bag in her school mail box with a note that said, "Happy Belated Earth Day!"

4. Made treats for after school meeting
                 Its our usual monthly meeting that discusses topics of discipline concerns and programming to promote a more positive school environment. This is a great committee to be involved with because through the data you can really see how something is working and how you are making a difference. Anyway as much as after school meetings sound fun, I decided to reward our committee's efforts by making some homemade scones of several flavors: Chocolate Chip, Cranberry, Blueberry, Butterscotch, and Cinnamon. Its a really simple recipe that I have had great success several times. I just wanted to do something positive for others that are doing something positive for the students.

Try it and enjoy!

5. Made treats for the Talent Show
                Buckeyes was next on my baking list. Again, another simple item to make that very few people don't. However, I can not give you the recipe for this because I use a traditional family set of directions and ingredients. The positive to this is that my snacks for the Talent Show helped earn some extra money for the Breast Cancer Awareness cause.

I would like to figure out a way to change the filling so that I can dye them pink though???

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

5 Pennies - Day 249 Recovered

1. Gave extra $ for gifts
            In a few days it will be 'Administrative Assistant Day' - which basically means Secretary's Day in the PC way. I have three very lovely and hard working secretaries in my school. Each make my job so much easier beyond the day to day work. They are my front line in handling parents- the very few nice, but more forgetful and upset. And they do this for all of the staff members. They are beyond phone call messages, copying paperwork, organizing attendance lists, rearranging schedules, etc. They really are great people that deserve more than just a single day to say thank you. Anyway, another teacher on my team didn't have that much money to give towards the thank you presents. So I paid for myself and then gave some extra money to cover for the amount that she still owed. It was easy to do.

2. Bought Secretaries extra presents
              So I left school yesterday feeling just ok about my extra contribution. Like I know that I helped another teacher out with the cost, but I still didn't feel that I have expressed my gratitude enough to these staff members. So I stopped off at a grocery store on the way home and bought three cards and three simple gift cards. I wrote a message to each secretary explaining my appreciation for each of their hard work and folded the gift card inside. This morning I placed the notes in each of their mailboxes. By far this simple gesture does not capture my gratitude either, but I feel a bit better with the personal notes of thanks.

3. Participation in Community Service Walk
             Yeah, the March of Dimes Walk is here! My son and I love to participate in this walk because it is at a park location. We walk and then I let him play a little, then we walk some more and then I let him play a little, and so on. We have really no one that we are walking/sponsoring for, but instead just give to the general fund accounts. It's always a nice activity.

4. Wrote a 'Get Well' card
               One of my band student's mother is undergoing another round of Breast Cancer treatments. She explained to me that the medicine is a crippling two-day procedure, but it has been doing the job that it needs to do in order to continue her health.  She is a marvelous lady that constantly supports her daughter's musical interests - the least that I could do is to send a card to support her.

5. Wrote a 'Congrats' card
               One of the male teacher wife's had a baby this past weekend. Although he has two older children already, he has been waiting in anticipation for this new arrival for quite some time. Earlier this school year we had conflicting ideas about an issue, but putting that aside, I just wanted to say congratulations and wish him/his family well.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

5 Pennies - Day 248 Recovered

Its been a while since I've posted anything, sorry about that.
But here's the continuation of my adventure...

1. Bought a special snack for another person
           So I was at a special ceremony in honoring another fellow teacher for his achievements throughout the school year. This ceremony was accompanied by a fancy dinner including dessert of a lemon cheese cake type of thing. The woman that sat by me (my principal's wife) talked about how much she loves desserts but has to watch her calorie intake because she wants to maintain a healthy weight. She then continued to talk about her favorite snack that she absolutely loves were chocolate covered pretzels. I always like hearing things like this and try to keep them in mine when I am out and about in grocery shopping. So yesterday along with my regular groceries I bought her a box of reduced calorie mini chocolate covered pretzels snack bags. I gave this to my principal along with a note for his wife in thanking her for a wonderful conversation.

2. Sent an "In Sympathy" card
             Another person that goes to the church that I attend recently lost her brother due to Brain Cancer. He has been struggling with this disease for at least the past 6 months and he put up a good fight. I just wanted to extend my thoughtful prayers to her and her family.

3. Gave another teacher sticky notes
             I was helping another teacher organize her materials for the end of the school year clean up ritual, when I heard her say that she wish that she had a packet of sticky notes. I had some extra packets in my office, so I simply just got a few and gave them to her. Easy to do.

4. Bought a princess crown for another teacher
            So at this special ceremony that I mentioned in penny 1 of this entry, another teacher in a nearby school was voted as the Teacher of the Year within the county/school system that I teach in. I was so happy for her because she is a great teacher and I happened to have taught both of her kids in my music classes in previous school years. The first thing that she joked about was trading her new car for a fancy tiara, which made me start to think - they have these types of play items at local dollar stores in the kid section. So the next day I went to the store, bought one, and put it in the school mail with her name and school on it. Simple - now its official :-)

5. Bought items for mission project
            In the winter time, we are often using chap stick due to the dry air. However, it is just as important to use this item year round as well. One of the church's on going mission projects is to collect simple hygiene items for the local homeless shelters. Today I bought/gave several tubes of lip balm for this project.